12 years ago
1 year ago
Hi I have a team in the Vanarama North division I am trying to save money with. Not hiring staff would save a lot but I do need at least some staff! At the moment there is 1 Assistant Manager, 1 Physio, 1 Chief Scout and 1 normal Scout.

I should have enough for 1 coach now and maybe something else but for a lower league team what would you say is the most important to least important? I am with the team for the long run so I am guessing it would be best if I control the younger teams in their matches so should I just ignore hiring someone for youth development and an U20's coach. Also whats the deal with the director of football position. They are like crappy scouts but they can also bring players to the clubs, get better contracts and I think organize friendlies. Would you say they are essential for a lower league team which is trying to grow financially?
Ipswich Knights
9 years ago
4 years ago
I'd go with a Fitness coach. fitness is very important in lower league, dont worry about attacking or defending coaches as most the teams and players are useless anyway
15 years ago
2 weeks ago
Fitness coaches & scouts are where you want to be best
13 years ago
4 months ago
A good physio as well.
12 years ago
1 year ago
Got 2 scouts who are the best for the division but still average for a physio, Is it worth getting a second physio? My 2 best players have already been injured!

I'll try find a fitness coach, seems to be a lot more rare than normal coaches in the lower divisions.
Ipswich Knights
9 years ago
4 years ago
Well fitness coach will help prevent injuries wheras a physio will help get players who are injurjed back quicker so u need to decide what is more important
12 years ago
1 year ago
Prevent injuries too?! Sweet, I placed an advert for coaches and fitness coaches at the start of the season. Now 5 games in, 8 coach applications, only 2 fitness coach's, guess I'll wait a little longer.
Ipswich Knights
9 years ago
4 years ago
Well I think just having better fitness of players stops injuries I would assume. plus squads in lower league are smaller and alot of games so you want your players to be fitter

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