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OK, I have a major issue. I've been rebranding the whole country of Luxembourg. I made it completely my own with new cities, new leagues, clubs and even a new language. The plan for this was to play a Netgame with some friends, As we have done fantasy drafts before but never with the whole country being my own. Obviously this means that I've changed the database A LOT. (Over 14,000 times iirc). My issue is, I've been playing it solo to test it out and it's crash dumping very frequently. I know it will if there's a lot of editor data that's likely to happen, however my computer is very good, especially for FM and I've seen people do fully unique countries before. The Crash dumping happens more if I do certain things (eg It's more frequent when I click a team from the league screen etc.) And when it does crash dump, it'll keep doing it when I repeat what I did to get it in the first place (eg If I got it by clicking on a certain club, when I reload and click on that club again, it will crash again.)
And yes, I have graphics installed but I really don't want to get rid of them, I also have changed the animations to 'Software', the problem persists.
Can anybody help?
If you can get back to me quickly it'd be great as I've worked hard on this and don't wanna have wasted my time.