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Since the update, I downloaded the DF11 facepacks along with FC'12 kits. When I installed the packs, my game just pretty much, glitched out.
What it does is when I clear cache and reload the skin, my game all of a sudden turns black. The odd part about it is the fact that I can actually still do the shortcuts in the game, but when I do it, I can't do anything. If I try to reload the game, the game crashes.
I'm beginning to believe that what's exactly wrong with the game is something from the graphics and skin files that are causing the game to crash...
The .dmp files I have in the attachments are the errors I'm getting, but I have no way of viewing the file. If any of you can figure out what exactly is wrong with the game, please help me. Please, I'm desperate.
.dmp 1 .dmp 2
Where have you placed the downloaded graphics? Can I see a screenshot of that folder?
I've redownloaded again on the files that I use, like the TCM Logos. Reinstalled them, and they work.
But when I try to load a skin, it just crashes..
Then you're best advised to speak to the creator of the skin you're using
The thing is though, it's doing this with every skin I have, even the base skins...
And I mean, every skin.
Ok, so can I see where you have placed the downloaded graphics? Can I see a screenshot of that folder?
This is just my graphics file here.
I've had many issues with the skins, and I've tried every skin I've downloaded, but I still get the same errors. Here's the file.
What happens if you use the default skin and remove the custom graphics temporarily?
I have actually, and it does this. If I try to load it, it crashes.
I've cleared cache, and everything, but it doesn't do a thing to it.
Are you sure it's not the saved game itself which is the problem then? Can you start a new game?
I've started new saves and it still does the same thing. It's something with the files that are causing the errors surely.
May be worth posting in the official forums
I have actually, but no one's responded. Probably should delete the post if that's possible and post again with everything going on. And now, it's doing this...
It's the weekend, you know