Metallic Logos Pack
Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.
- 432,610
- 2025.04 - Released on 04 Feb 2025
![Metallic Logos Pack](
Yes to the bit in bold
Ice Man
Brilliant, thanks for the quick reply!
Christopher Johnson
I have installed the pack and can see the club logos but I’m unable to see the small club logos when I look at the league standings. They are just the default game images... Any ideas? Am I missing something?
Can anyone help me please?
well something has obviously gone wrong
My best advice is to delete everything and download the hole thing again and follow the instructions from here : . Best to use google chrome to download as you can resume if the download is interrupted
Christopher Johnson
Will do thank you
Note: I might be making the mistake. Maybe that's the way it should be. I may be confused.
Nothing is wrong.... this is how it looks when a club is extinct and has become a new club. So it is the game that "chooses" to show the small logo this way.
Neil Walding
Neil Walding
Neil Walding
Neil Walding
Neil Walding
That's because it's displayed the default licenced logos, which SI have in the game for the Championship and below. Moreover, uninstalling the game won't affect any downloaded custom files as they should be in completely separate folders.
Again, can I ask you to give me screenshots of your graphics folder and any sub-folders? Or wherever it is that you've installed the files you've downloaded from here...
Edit: That's not where they should be placed. Do take the time to read the installation instructions. The correct location is Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 2019 / graphics
Neil Walding
Neil Walding
Hehe, no worries. Do make sure you remove them completely from that section you've placed them on
Here is a screenshot of Cristiano Ronaldo where you can see that the Portugal flag and the Juventus logo are displayed in quite an ugly way:
This has nothing to do with the "metallic logo pack"
try using another skin.... I can recommend this one :
Citta di Marano (43157561) logo needs cleaning.
They have a new logo anyway, I'll post that in the request thread
Mr. Fawlty
This issue has already been raised and a fix can be found here
After downloading the last 3 update packs for the Metalic Megapack.. I'm now getting this as a logo for Norwich for some reason..
It looks like some random fan made Bristol City logo.. All other logo's seem fine though (including Bristol City) it's just the Norwich logo that's not correct for some reason..
See this post for a fix
Ah, thanks!
The Bristol City logo is not some random fan made one. It is the new official logo of Bristol City :
Faces are working, trophies are working, kits are too...
only logos dont work.
Logos are placed on the same folders that ive always used.
Any help? Has someone experienced the same?!
have you watch the video here : ?
I need a bit more info to help you.... there are about a million things that could have gone wrong.... first try to check if there are config files in your folders....