Giovanni Spinella
3 years ago
1 year ago
Hi all, new to the forum so if these questions have already been asked and answered please accept my apology and point me to the answer!

I'm a great Juventus fan so of course, once I bougth FM2020 I came to this site, got my hands on the Licences fix package and installed it. So good to go.
However when I try to sign players from other clubs and the clubs accept the offer, the Ai Director of Football Paratici takes over the negotiations which inevitably flounder. This despite me having taken onto myself all loans, transfers etc for every age and level.

This is a known issue apparently so unless someone knows the workaround (?) I decided to force the issue by using the Fm Editor to force the palyers onto my team, however when I use it, it doesn't seem to let me use the modified licence fixed database.

So does anyone:
1 - know how to get around the AI DoF taking over negotiations?
2 - Know how to get the FM editor to accept my modified Juventus database?
3- Suggest a different editor?

14 years ago
2 hours ago
if the DOF is taking over after you have set yourself to do so then that is a bug which you should report to SI

workaround sack the DOF

The editor reads the loaded DB so if you file is loaded correctly then there is no issue
what is the file? are you running any othe files(especially third party that may clash with your own?)
Giovanni Spinella
3 years ago
1 year ago
Hey thanks for the reply.
I am using the database that was modified for the Licence fix but when I loaded it, Juventus were called Zebre so thought the Editor wasn't seeing them...
I'll try again and also try to sack Paratici....

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