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Does anyone have a real name (no fake) file for FM 2010?: I think they were already a thing back then, and to date it's probably my favourite FM ever along with 07 and 08.
Somehow I found a working logo pack and used the SS kits for FM 2011 (2010 ones seems to be missing although topics still remain).Oh, and Cutout 3.0 works fine 🙂
Thanks 🙂
I'm afraid we lost of content when moving site in FM12 so no real name fix for FM10 available here unfortunately.
@Lucas78, you might be able to use steps 1-3 of this file even in FM22.
Thanks for pointing out the file, Mons 🙂
So, long story short: Only the lnc folder works, but that's good enough for competition real names and some other stuff.
As explained in this thread from the official site….:
Converting from FM10 to FM13 DBC/XML files - Editors Hideaway - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com)
…There were lots of changes between the 2010 editor and the subsequent ones (at least from 2012 onwards).
Infact, as you may recall, the path structure inside /Data/ was different back then:
You had a single data/db/1000 for the default db
Then you had a data/updates/1001 (and 1002, and 1003) for the subsequent season updates, with more folders nestled inside.
For example, in none of them there is a DBC folder already present. Also, If I put all the required files into Documents/Editor Data as explained in the FM2012 real names file, none of them appears during the game creation process.
I can't recall the file structure from 11 years ago, but I suspected that at least the lnc files would work 🙂
here it is the file you requested for FM 2010: https://www.mediafire.com/file/jjyzf2ozng0/lnc.zip/file
yep, thank you 🙂. Yesterday, while rummaging through the Net, I found that too 🙂