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Hello. We are starting up a new network save/clan that already consists of four members. The idea of the save is to build up nations in Europe that are outside the big five leagues. There will be 3 managers in each league with the vision of continental success and there will be a points system that will determine an overall winner.
We will look to begin the save as soon as we have roughly 6-9 players and be open to the addition of new players interested in joining once the save is up and running.
We plan to play on three evenings every week. If only available for two evenings every week, do not worry as you can still get involved in the save by putting your assistant in charge for the evening you cannot make, but make sure you do so before leaving the session prior.
The evenings we plan on playing on are:
Thursdays 19:00 – 22:00
Saturdays 19:00 – 22:00
Sundays 19:00 – 22:00
(All times UK time)
(Also subject to change depending on availability of managers)
It would be great to get this going as I believe it will be a good challenge and a lot of fun for all people involved. I will also make a discord server for everyone to communicate in once we have enough people interested in joining the save.
If interested in joining or have any questions, please message me on discord – Mooshalot#9858