1 year ago
3 days ago

Hello everybody,


I have a little issue with a club I created (in case it matters it is created as an exctinct club but it's not the only one in this case and i don't have any issue with the others).


It is supposed to be from France, and in the pre game editor it says it is from France as the city is right. But I tried several saves to test some stuff after, and noticied that for this club the country in game is Algeria.


I think at first when I created it I forgot to edit the country, I noticied it in a previous test save so I corrected it, launched new saves after, but now it seems stuck to Algeria IN GAME.


Where do you think the problem come from ? And what can I do to correct it besides delete the club and create it again ?


Thanks in advance !

1 year ago
3 days ago

Case solved… in case anybody face this issue. I untucked “exctinct” and then the Nation line appeared (before, there was only “based in nation”) which indeed is Algeria.

So if anybody create an exctinct club, you have to chose the nation before checking the “exctinct” box. 

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