Maksimilian Kroo
1 year ago
2 months ago

Hello everyone, 


I am currently having in issue with loading up tactics on my mac. I am quite new to this, but i have loaded up some tactics and created a folder for them as explained in the video. However, none of them show up in the game. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.



18 years ago
1 day ago

Your screenshot are super zoomed in and cut off the key part: the location of the folders.


Are you sure you're in "/Users/yourname/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023"


Also when you're in FM you can see in the top right it says “Location: Tactics” if you click this you can browse around your whole PC and it should make clear where the game is looking for the files vs where you've put them.

14 years ago
4 hours ago

Did you put them in this folder? 
Mac users do the following;

  1. Open finder
  2. Go – Go to folder – type in the path: Library/Application Support
  3. Click on Sports Interactive – Football Manager – Tactics
18 years ago
4 hours ago

@Maksimilian Kroo, you've had answers here already, so there's no need to upload screenshots of your issue in the tactic section.

Maksimilian Kroo
1 year ago
2 months ago
By Copywriter 23 December 2022 - 19:40 PM UTC 

Did you put them in this folder? 
Mac users do the following;

  1. Open finder
  2. Go – Go to folder – type in the path: Library/Application Support
  3. Click on Sports Interactive – Football Manager – Tactics

Thank you for the solution. I did figure it out eventually… I put into the “Public” folder haha. All good now! Merry Christmas!


Maksimilian Kroo
1 year ago
2 months ago
By mons 23 December 2022 - 20:28 PM UTC 

@Maksimilian Kroo, you've had answers here already, so there's no need to upload screenshots of your issue in the tactic section.


Hello, apologies, my mistake. I originally put it there as i thought it was subpart of support/discussion. I just now realized that it's left under all of the tactics. No worries though, i will take it down.

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