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Luca Farrugia
Does a mod exist which makes the player agents in the game real ones such as Jorge Mendes??
Bielsa is a legend
Yes, several
Luca Farrugia
where can i find please which can be downloaded?
Bielsa is a legend
Steam workshop Niks pack is good
Luca Farrugia
Is there one which can be downloaded?, not through the workshop
Bielsa is a legend
Why not just use the workshop, if your game is up to date it will work
Luca Farrugia
Workshop doesn’t work, only independent downloads do
Bielsa is a legend
I just tried, works fine
Luca Farrugia
For me i meant it doesnt work, are there any downloads available pls?
Bielsa is a legend
Are you using PC version?
Luca Farrugia
Bielsa is a legend
Then no reason why you can’t use steam assuming the game is genuine
Luca Farrugia
if its not, is there any agent pack download available?
Bielsa is a legend
If it’s not you should not be on this site, as you have an illegal copy?
Luca Farrugia
No its legit
Bielsa is a legend
Then it will need steam so you can use niks files no probs
Luca Farrugia
ok noted
Bielsa is a legend
sure-Captain Pugwash
mods-check this out?