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Wanted to give some thoughts on part of the Data Update Submission Process, and how I think it could be improved…
Also, could a mod move this into Pending, since the source is literally the player himself:
Hey thanks alot for the feedback.
The biggest issues with the Data Update isn't to do with the forms or what can/can't be done technically. Behind the scenes I built a version that fully replicates the entire Pre Game Editor with every field. The issue is with how a moderation team can deal with the submissions. Each of your suggestions would make the data update better and more realistic but also destroy it because the moderation team would be overwhelmed and not enjoy it anymore. There's a huge difference between quickly eyeballing a page that says Lukaku is on loan at Roma and reading long articles to see what clauses or extensions are included, or thinking about Mbappe's personality and end of season ambitions.