I'm using the 23/24 season database update and everything works well, except end of contract free transfers. It is impossible to offer any UK based player a contract when their current contract is expiring. Any foreign based player is fine, but UK based no working. Anyone have any ideas? Screenshot attached for download.

2 years ago
2 months ago

This was always in the game, you can only offer a player from UK  a pre-contract when there is only 1 month remaining. It's some kind of rule, other leagues like the russian i think have the same rule/system

Melodrama Forever
4 years ago
6 hours ago

Yeah, Turkish league also has a similar setting, however it is not due update, it is part of Bosman rule and base game as well

10 years ago
5 months ago

English team cant between them but any other league can get their players 6 months before the end of contract.

Bruno SMO
3 months ago
2 months ago

why can i only donwload a pic .jpg ? where is the mod ?

18 years ago
5 hours ago
By Bruno SMO 20 April 2024 - 06:08 AM UTC 

why can i only donwload a pic .jpg ? where is the mod ?


The user wrongly posted this as a download instead of a post, for reasons best known to them, and the image uploaded was actually a screenshot of their issue, which I've now removed to avoid confusion.

Bruno SMO
3 months ago
2 months ago
By mons 20 April 2024 - 10:50 AM UTC 

The user wrongly posted this as a download instead of a post, for reasons best known to them, and the image uploaded was actually a screenshot of their issue, which I've now removed to avoid confusion.


ok thx but it is possible to download this mod or not ? i cant find where xD

18 years ago
5 hours ago
By Bruno SMO 21 April 2024 - 15:09 PM UTC 

ok thx but it is possible to download this mod or not ? i cant find where xD


Did you even read what the original poster said, or what I replied? This is not a mod, but a description of an issue that was wrongly created as a download 😕

Bruno SMO
3 months ago
2 months ago
By mons 21 April 2024 - 15:20 PM UTC 

Did you even read what the original poster said, or what I replied? This is not a mod, but a description of an issue that was wrongly created as a download 😕


excuse me my english is really bad… do u know a place where i can find a mod without Bosman rules ? i really want to play with only 3 foreigners by team.

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