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I would be so grateful if someone could help diagnose this problem - tearing my (limited remaining) hair out.
It was all going so well…
Mac user - had successfully uploaded numerous files to the game - facepack, logos etc, even (after several attempts) AI newgan faces through the use of newgan manager then , in the last week, it has all gone to shit.
First fail was when I tried to get newgan faces for staff - followed same process as I had for players (except that I created a new, unemployed manager to generate the complete rtf file) loaded up the newgan manager, pressed generate, and nothing happened.
Next project was to replace a few of the recently generated AI newgan player faces - my 16 year-old wonderkid had a face/beard like a 60 year-old hobo. Followed the how-to videos exactly, edited the config files (I can put up screenshots but they looked exactly the same as in how-to videos). Preferences>interface>reload skin etc… nothing
Next project was custom kit through FM Kit Creator - same deal - follow every instruction to the letter - nothing uploads in game.
Have spent hours scanning forums for on-point troubleshooting. Followed numerous tips and tricks (clearing cashe, making sure the correct preferences are ticked not ticked) nothing has helped.
I have retired the new manager I created (see above) having identified that as the action I took after the last successful upload - didn't help
Note: the one things that I can still do is upload new skins - that still works fine.
Can anyone suggest what has gone wrong and how to right it?
Many thanks in advance
Unfortunately it's impossible to tell from the limited information you've provided. I would suggest removing folders from your “Football Manager 2024” folder and putting them back one by one. You don't have to delete them and redownload. Just move them out to another location. Then you might see what is causing the issue.
That worked!
Brilliant. Thanks