18 years ago
5 hours ago
So we've moved over to some new forum software. Hopefully you've been aware that this was going to happen for a little while, if not.... SURPRISE!

So what does this mean for you guys? Well all your accounts are going to be exactly the same, you don't need to re-register. The main difference is that the forums have started again, meaning there aren't any old topics or posts dating back to 2006 as there was on the old site.

What about new features? Well that's the funny part. The site is actually worse. I know ridiculous isn't it? By worse, I mean that I am well aware that there are some features missing that where available on the old forums. The reason for this, and the reason for this move, is that we were stuck on an annoying piece of software that I didn't like working with and was hard to customise. By moving to these forums it's one step on a longer path towards an improved and feature rich website. Basically what I mean, and want to make clear, is that this is not the new site "finished", just "stable". Building a huge site like this takes ages, especially near the end when there are tons of niggly little things to do and test. Waiting until it was all finished could take weeks or months and, as you may remember from last year, making big changes like this on or just after the release of a new game is incredibly stressful due to the popularity of the site at those times. So that's why we're releasing a stable, but unfinished version today. I fully expect the full site to be finished before the end of October and the release of FM2013 on November 2nd. New features will be released incrementally throughout October, so keep an eye on this forum for any announcements.

If the site is missing features you're used to using please use this topic: Feature Requests

If you find any bugs or errors on the site please use this topic: Bug Reports
18 years ago
1 year ago
Good work man, take as long as you need
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
Looks nice. Glad to see you're still as involved with this site as ever, and I think a bit of a refresher can only benefit the site in the long run.
14 years ago
2 days ago
I appreciate work on this vision of better site,but must be honest,I don't like this new site at all.I'm lost around here.Ofc,I hope this is some kind of trial,and the real stuff gonna came in the future.What is gonna be with old cut-out thread,since I only need that...Is there any chance to have that full thread like it was on old version of site
18 years ago
1 year ago
Is there a way to get that pop-up thing that tells me I have successfully posted to piss off?

It's doing my fucking tits in.
18 years ago
10 years ago
At the moment I completetly dislike the new style of the forum. I'm used to look at the new messages using Active Content or Latest Content (using the new definitions), but they appear completely messed up, mixing old and new messages without any sense.
Please change it in some better ways. For me now it is a
16 years ago
2 years ago
Hey Rob when we update a career thread it doesn't go to the front page.

Updated my career with Forest and it's stayed on page 5.
18 years ago
5 hours ago
By afterware | Permalink | On 30 September 2012 - 07:59 AM
At the moment I completetly dislike the new style of the forum. I'm used to look at the new messages using Active Content or Latest Content (using the new definitions), but they appear completely messed up, mixing old and new messages without any sense.
Please change it in some better ways. For me now it is a

Can you explain a bit better,? Active Content lists them in order of latest post and Latest Content lists them in order of when they where added. I'm sure that's how it worked on the old forums right?
17 years ago
2 months ago
Rob, I think afterware, probably hasn't noticed that Active & Latest content links are now at the top left of the screen...took me a couple of seconds...

Also Bajahater - Not sure what you mean. Mons spent ages copying over all the relevant Cut-Out threads HERE - However when I was first looking at this new site I was with you and couldn't see any of the threads...again too me a couple of minutes to realise I wasn't logged in and therefore couldn't see. Maybe this was the case for you?

On the 'Logging In' Rob, I couldn't login using my username and had to type in my email address instead, not a prob but I thought I had forgotten my password and it took a little while...
15 years ago
8 years ago
I quite like the new style of the site, It will take a day or two to get used to it, but all looks good so far

Great job everyone involved in the move, and here's hoping we can keep it going longer than the last move
18 years ago
10 years ago
I mean that when I click on Latest Content (Yes, Rowan I saw it in the top left part of the screen) this what it appears:
There are posts dated 30 Sept, then 29 Sept, then again 30 Sept, and so on.
There are already read messages and messages to be read mixed (and I've just entered the page).
A sort problem only? I don't know, but I think it should be fixed.

And about Active content it just shows Last 24 hours, what if I wasn't around for a couple of days?

Moreover, where's the Mark as read button?

Finally please take it as a constructive criticism, I'm a fan of SI forums.
18 years ago
5 hours ago
The reason for the dates being weird on "latest" is that the last column lists the last post date, not the date the content was created. Again i'm pretty sure that's how it worked on the old forums as well.

As for the last 24 hour thing, I plan on having a "since last visit" thing, but it could get a bit stupid for those that haven't logged in, in a year
18 years ago
11 hours ago
By BajaHater | Permalink | On 30 September 2012 - 01:05 AM
I appreciate work on this vision of better site,but must be honest,I don't like this new site at all.I'm lost around here.Ofc,I hope this is some kind of trial,and the real stuff gonna came in the future.What is gonna be with old cut-out thread,since I only need that...Is there any chance to have that full thread like it was on old version of site

It's all here
18 years ago
11 hours ago
By Rob | Permalink | On 30 September 2012 - 11:17 AM
The reason for the dates being weird on "latest" is that the last column lists the last post date, not the date the content was created. Again i'm pretty sure that's how it worked on the old forums as well.

I think afterware, like me, used to use the New Content page, which listed all the threads with had new posts since the last time you came online. They were listed with the most recently-posted thread on top...

This one does the job, for the time being, so no worries
18 years ago
5 hours ago
Still not 100% sure, at the moment the most recently added content/topic is on top, it's ordered by when the topic/content was added rather than when it was last posted in.
18 years ago
11 hours ago
I personally think it makes more sense to have the latest content on top, hence the title

Also, and again this is by no means a priority, would there be a way of having the forum in which the thread in to be somehow displayed? Most of the thread titles are a pretty clear indication of what category they're in, but this might not necessarily be the case for newbies
18 years ago
5 hours ago
I'll add it to the list of feature requests
Deleted Account #151676
Will the original post counts be restored?
17 years ago
2 days ago
Make sure keep people happy!
18 years ago
6 years ago
By Rick87 | Permalink | On 30 September 2012 - 12:52 PM
Will the original post counts be restored?

Why does it even matter?

I'm personally glad my embarrassing post count has been reset
Deleted Account #151676
By Zog | Permalink | On 30 September 2012 - 13:08 PM
Why does it even matter?

I'm personally glad my embarrassing post count has been reset

It doesn't, I was just wondering.
18 years ago
10 years ago
By Rob | Permalink | On 30 September 2012 - 12:28 PM
I'll add it to the list of feature requests

Thanks Rob and Mons for explaining exactly the way I use the forum.
18 years ago
5 hours ago
I can put it on people's profile pages after all it was dating back to 2005, would be a shame to lose 7 years of tireless effort
18 years ago
2 years ago
Really nice work Rob.
14 years ago
2 days ago
Sorry Rob,I'm an idiot last night I couldn't find anything,but now with Mons help found it Great work guys,I like it
18 years ago
9 hours ago
Really like the new look
good job
18 years ago
4 months ago
Site looks good Rob.
18 years ago
2 years ago
Yes, site is good.

What is the name of the new software ?
13 years ago
1 year ago
Hopefully it'll stay up this year, and we won't have the glaring bugs that forced us back like last time.
18 years ago
5 hours ago
By Shelton | Permalink | On 30 September 2012 - 18:09 PM
Yes, site is good.

What is the name of the new software ?

Completely custom coded

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