Metallic Logos Pack
Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.
- 432,610
- 2025.04 - Released on 04 Feb 2025
![Metallic Logos Pack](
I really don't understand, I restarted the game and it's the correct logo now. I have no idea what happened
Addie Fadrny
Addie Fadrny
Addie Fadrny
I will be uploading it tonight - just gotta test the configs later to make sure everything is ok.
Addie Fadrny
anyway as you can see update 4 is now available - this is the first update made in collaboration with schweigi who most of you will know of no doubt (and if not why not?) He's been making quality content for many years and we decided to get our heads together to maximize output and just get more content into the game and it's working out very well.
Many new logos this update, 1200 club and 150 odd competition ones - still not finished Italy yet but will be done by #5 so hang tight for that...meanwhile here's some examples
Install by simply unpacking the file to your Docs/sports Interactive folder and accepting the replace file option which updates the configs, or by unpacking it manually to your desired folder.
thanks to everyone who posted up or sent me any content, it might not make the next update as i have lots to do, but it will get done eventually I guarantee it. Also many thanks to Billywekits, Tuttocampo and many other great sites that help us along the way - can't do it without all the help.
Hi Krem,
As stated in a previous post on your last update your still showing the U23 cup logo as the U18 cup logo.
The premier league cup is the u23 cup not the u18 cup
Therefore your also missing the config code for the u23 cup
<record from="engu23" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 23s group 1/logo"/>
<record from="engu23" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 23s group 2/logo"/>
<record from="engu23" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 23s group 3/logo"/>
<record from="engu23" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 23s group 4/logo"/>
<record from="engu23" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 23s group 5/logo"/>
<record from="engu23" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 23s group 6/logo"/>
<record from="engu23" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 23s group 7/logo"/>
<record from="engu23" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 23s group 8/logo"/>
<record from="engu18" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 18s group 1/logo"/>
<record from="engu18" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 18s group 2/logo"/>
<record from="engu18" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 18s group 3/logo"/>
<record from="engu18" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 18s group 4/logo"/>
<record from="engu18" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 18s group 5/logo"/>
<record from="engu18" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 18s group 6/logo"/>
<record from="engu18" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 18s group 7/logo"/>
<record from="engu18" to="graphics/pictures/comp/english under 18s group 8/logo"/>
<record from="engu18cup" to="graphics/pictures/comp/under 18s cup/logo"/>
are you able to update the config to add the u23 cup? thanks
That config with the exact same lines of code is in update 3.
Didn't get time for all of them simple as that - will be along next time.
I made the config
If you check your game (default) there is no Under 23 cup in FM17, just an U18 Cup hence that is why the Premier league cup logo shows there.
Just remove the Premier League cup logo if it bothers you that much m8 but I agree the logo is wrong and should be the FA Youth cup logo
No pal that's wrong
The u18 cup should be the fa youth cup logo. However your showing the premier league cup logo for the u18s instead
There is an u23 cup called the premier league cup which is in the game. You currently have the u23 cup(premier league cup) showing as the u18 cup logo which is incorrect
Like you say the wrong logo is showing for the u18s
Thats weird then because I have no U23 Cup in my game only the U18 cup also your first point is exactly what I said in that the U18 should be FA youth cup but again I say I dont have an U23 cup in my FM17 game.
There was in FM16 though but not in my FM17, you are playing fm17?
Look at the image below showing comps in England there is NO U23 cup just an U18 cup
Here you go mate, its called the premier league cup
Your text to link here...
I have it in my long term save (with added data files) but in the new save I tried its not there as in picture in previous post but is available if you search for it using the search box.
Also that version pictured is NOT controlled by the config file we are discussing it is in fact a regular logo with set id, as you can see it already has the correct logo
So all that we need to do is replace the Prem cup logo in the youth folder with the FA youth cup logo which is available in the ALT folder
Thank U dude !!!
This is the new Premier League U21 LOGO
This is the new Premier League U18 LOGO
This is the new Premier League Youth Cup LOGO
There is also a International Premier League logo, not sure what it is for though?
Any idea when the next megapack will be out Kremmen?
Ok, Thank you. So I take it the new Premier League U23s, 18s etc logos need to be put in myself then and changed to correct ID.
Current in game Logo
Correct Logo
EDIT: Krem, do you do a logos pack also for in game?
and yes, there is a logo pack in game, just go the the OP of this thread