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Telegram Sam
I just tried to recruit you but a message came up saying I'd already invited you.
10 Car garage too, heard you get a free supercar but I don't have one /o\
hmm, ill jump on now and have a gander
Go to Legendary Motorsports and the Elegy will be free to purchase. It's an okay ride, but becomes a nuisance when you want get rid of it. My trick is to blow it up and then fill the garage, which will give you an option to delete it.
Annoying when I'm only getting about 6-9k per job.
I'm guessing.
You wish.
Before patch 1.03 you could replay missions. I simply played the same mission over and over for about seven or eight hours (Violent Duct) which netted approximately 1400 RP every turn. I had it down so I could complete the mission on hard within about two minutes, because I knew where every NPC would be.
Then at level 55 it unlocked a very easy mission (Parking Garage) which required you to destroy some evidence on the roof of a car park. At level sixty you unlock the grenade launcher and if you aim it right you can just fire the grenade onto the roof, killing everyone and ending the mission. That nets about 5050 RP every time and can be completed in 30 seconds. I replayed that mission for a few hours until level 90-100.
Then finally I replayed a mission called Rooftop Rumble. All you have to do to complete it is blow up to cars, that are about 100 yards from where the mission begins. The net RP is about 4400 and it pays $26,000 each time, taking roughly 25 seconds to complete. That's why I have a shit ton of money and am level 142.
I didn't cheat, as much as you'd like to believe so, Rockstar included the ability to replay missions in the game design and I took advantage of it, as did a few others. They should have realised there would be a group of people who would grin to raise levels, it's their own fault. The economy in the game is fucked as it is, just messing around in free roam is costing me anywhere between $100,000-400,000 a day.
With this $500,000 cash injection everyone is going to get I should be able to afford a proper super car anyway.
$26,000 a mission sounds good.
I know you didn't, Jay did because he's jealous.
I'm in this boat atm, I suck at races and deathmatches though
I have no reason to be jealous, i like you have basically taken advantage of a flaw in the game with the bike glitch which nets 50k per every 30seconds, i've got 3,000,000 in cash and leveling up isn't really appealing to me as theres nothing to gain by leveling up, as i only really did missions to earn money
I already have the 400k apartment (which is the exact same as the 217k apartment and 10 super cars in my garage. Theres not much else i can do until the heists come into the game now.
King Luis
Slashman X
It is though
I couldn't care less, you'll get bored of it faster than I will and you've paid your own money.
The Platypus
Exploiting a flaw in the system of a game, clearly breaking the guided path and rules the game has set for you.
Isn't that like.. the definition of cheating?
Telegram Sam