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Finally, I know who to blame.
Telegram Sam
I'm getting old and senile. Starting to confuse all the old farts from here with each other.
Fuck off. I'm uniquely awful.
kremmen is that you?
Phoenix Arrow
You mean because of all that hard work he did on here?
I mean... I get what he used to do in the FM sections but even so everything he said was so fucking tedious. He was (usually) an alright enough guy but you couldn't put him in the same catagory as a lot of the content producing staff members in terms of hard work and effort put in. Even Franck does a better job of modding than Bian did. Mostly because he's a power freak but still.
I got excited for a moment when I saw his name!
I've signed up to Supports Interactive, really nice site, but I've not been in an FM mood for ages.
Eric Portapotty
There must be something that Bian's been doing right to be fair, even if it's seeing his inane replies to every other post to every other thread in the FM sections.
Either that or he's got some dirt on Skacel.
His inane posts in every other FM-related thread was exactly why Skacel wanted him as staff.
Eric Portapotty
Phoenix Arrow
One thing he did do well was make it look like... a lot of the time if someone asks a question and noone knows the answer or it's a stupid/pointless question then people will just ignore it. Bian would reply with something tedious but he was making people feel welcome which was always been with this site. It's not as bad as it was when I joined now that the off topic on topic FM thread isn't there, but he helped. But the help he did isn't on the same level as the help most of the other mods do. It's not actual content or anything interesting, it's just being nice.
But mostly because he sucked Skacels dick.
Anyone had this? Got some for christmas and fuck me, it's a lot hotter than I expected, mouths on fire
Mr Willy
Unsure whether it makes him staff worthy - although then again all I do is post 3-4 insulting/humourous/bitter comments per day so I can't really speak. The Bian bashing did get boring though, was quite sad.
Telegram Sam
True, but he didn't exactly help himself.
Telegram Sam
How so? Hit me with some truth nuggets.
Telegram Sam
My knickers are firmly on sir - it's not a Friday night and I'm moderately sober.
Phoenix Arrow
Telegram Sam
To be fair, I've barely mentioned them recently, and I only really mentioned them in the WAYLT? thread.
I just love them so much Josh.
PA doesn't come across as a Josh..
Telegram Sam
That's because his real name is Sebastian.
Well that makes more sense.
I went out last night and got absolutely written off... Couldn't go to work today and now I'm munching on pizza!!
Eric Portapotty
A James Saville, to be precise.
Phoenix Arrow
Oh, right. Steam. Nevermind.