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Never had any problems with FM before and my pc well exceed recommended specs for this game.
(i5, 8gb ram, nvidia 560 gtx ti, 3.5tb hdds)
I have not modified the skin in any way, all i have installed is the mega face pack 6.1, logo pack and some kits.
Ok it let me in after a few errors, i amazingly went 2-0 up again, got to the 89th minute and my pc crashed/restarted again, and its shooting error messages every 2 mins, no other game is doing this to my pc, is my fm broken for good? i don't want to have to start a new game either
(i played all yesterday with no problems and nothing has been modified since, except the game updated after the first crash/shut down)
I did play around with the official in game editor, made a few players better, but within reason.
The errors are not just coming up in my save, but even in the games starting intro, i really think the update broke every thing, I have tried one more time to play the game and it shut my computer down again for a third time whilst nearing the end of the match.