Our Football Manager 2014 England Time Machine lets you start a new career in England at various points in the future. Are you interested to know how certain players turned out, how successful your favourite team is or what league they're playing in? Our time machine files are perfect for getting a glimpse into the future of FM2014 and a great way to find a new challenge.

This time machine contains all the English leagues down to the Conference North and South

Simply click on one of the dates below to download the file and then load it up in FM.

The best place to save it is in "My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2014/games" then you can easily load it in game by going to "Load Game".
12 years ago
3 days ago
Looks great, thanks for the effort. Can I just ask why I cannot select to play as certain teams in the 2030 upload? Was going to choose a couple of teams but they were greyed out and unable to manage them. No big deal, just wondering if there is something I am missing.
18 years ago
7 minutes ago
Looks great, thanks for the effort. Can I just ask why I cannot select to play as certain teams in the 2030 upload? Was going to choose a couple of teams but they were greyed out and unable to manage them. No big deal, just wondering if there is something I am missing.

Very odd. Which teams?
12 years ago
3 days ago
Lowestoft and Chorley off the top of my head. But after a couple of days in game, their manages either resigned or were sacked. But I couldn't apply to manage them.
18 years ago
7 minutes ago
Lowestoft and Chorley off the top of my head. But after a couple of days in game, their manages either resigned or were sacked. But I couldn't apply to manage them.

Had they just been relegated? The season won't have ended and restarted on the date the save is made (we save it on that date for world cup/euro purposes)
Tegar Aji Pangestu
10 years ago
9 years ago
I found error message "The save game could not be loaded". Could somebody explain why?
Sheriff Skacel
10 years ago
1 year ago
Might be the version of FM you are running, is your game fully updated? Not 100% sure but I think the Time Machine will be based on the latest FM update from Steam.
18 years ago
3 months ago
I found error message "The save game could not be loaded". Could somebody explain why?

Do you have Football Manager 2014?

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