Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive just under 490,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.

  • 490,238
  • 2025.04 - Released on 11 Mar 2025
Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

Installation Instructions

1. How do I install the cut-out megapack if I’m using Steam on Windows?

Watch this YouTube tutorial video, which should you guide you on the steps you need to follow to install it. Although it is for an older version of FM, the steps are still the same.  You need to use Winrar (or a similar program) to extract the downloaded file.


This is what the MP folder should look like for the respective version of FM you're using:

Anything beyond the blue line is up to you and how you want to structure your folders. 


The preferences should look like in the below screenshot:


To get them to look like this, navigate to your preferences on the welcome screen or by using the drop-down menu near the top right of the menu within your save game.


Choose the advanced tab (the blue square within the screenshot above) and select all from the drop-down menu on the right (the red square within the screenshot above).


Scroll down to the interface section near the middle of the list, where you are to make sure that:
• the “Use caching to decrease page loading times” box is unticked
• the “Reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences” box is ticked


After clicking confirm, it may take a few seconds or minutes for all the graphics to be loaded and you should now see all the graphics you have downloaded appear in your save game.


Once your skin is reloaded, you can re-tick the "Use Caching to Decrease Page Loading Time" button so that the splash screen at the start takes a lot less longer to load. However, the above process needs to be undertaken every time you add graphics to your game to ensure that the game "reads" them.


2. How do I install the cut-out megapack if I’m using a Mac OS?

From FM20 onwards, there's been a substantial change to how Mac FM documents are stored. Previously the files would automatically go in the Documents folder here:

Users/YOUR Mac USERNAME/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 202x


Now the files will instead appear in the following location:

Users/YOUR Mac USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 202x


By default this folder is hidden, so to access you need to do as follows:

Open Finder
Click ‘Go’ from the menubar
Press and hold down the ‘Option’ (Alt) key
This will bring up the ‘Library’, click to enter then go to ‘Application Support’ -> ‘Sports Interactive’ -> ‘Football Manager 202x -> graphics’ (create the last folder if necessary


Anything beyond this path line is up to you and how you want to structure your folders.


The preferences should look like in the below screenshot:


To get them to look like this, navigate to your preferences on the welcome screen or by using the drop-down menu near the top right of the menu within your save game.


Choose the advanced tab (the blue square within the screenshot above) and select all from the drop-down menu on the right (the red square within the screenshot above).


Scroll down to the interface section near the middle of the list, where you are to make sure that:
• the “Use caching to decrease page loading times” box is unticked
• the “Reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences” box is ticked


After clicking confirm, it may take a few seconds or minutes for all the graphics to be loaded and you should now see all the graphics you have downloaded appear in your save game.


Once your skin is reloaded, you can re-tick the "Use Caching to Decrease Page Loading Time" button so that the splash screen at the start takes a lot less longer to load. However, the above process needs to be undertaken every time you add graphics to your game to ensure that the game "reads" them.


3. I don’t want to have the megapack in the default user data folder – can I place it elsewhere and how would I do so?

You need to change your user data location. Simple steps on how to do so can be found here.

The above step does not apply if you’re playing on Gamepass, in which case the user data location has to be the default one (i.e. Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 202x)

It is recommended that the user data location is not placed within the Steam installation folder as this may cause issues.


4. How do I install the cut-out megapack if I’m using Gamepass?

If you're using Gamepass, then you have to use the default user data folder - point 4 above does not and can not apply to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you've never downloaded the pack before, you should just download the larger "complete pack".

If you're not a premium member, it is recommended that you download the base megapack via torrent by going to our cut-out megapack download page. After which, you should then download all the update packs released to date and apply them chronologically.

If you're a premium member, just download the most recent complete pack.

If you already have a version of our Cut-Out Faces Megapack installed, then click "Download Latest Changes" and you'll be presented with a list of all the updates we've released since you've last downloaded a file. Simply download any you might have missed, starting with the oldest.
Watch this YouTube tutorial video, which should you guide you on the steps you need to follow to install it. Although it is for an older version of FM, the steps are still the same. You need to use Winrar (or a similar program) to extract the downloaded file.

This is what the MP folder should look like:

The preferences should look like in the below screenshot:

To get them to look like this, navigate to your preferences on the welcome screen or by using the drop-down menu near the top right of the menu within your save game.

Choose the advanced tab (the blue square within the screenshot above) and select all from the drop-down menu on the right (the red square within the screenshot above).

Scroll down to the interface section near the middle of the list, where you are to make sure that:
• the “Use caching to decrease page loading times” box is unticked
• the “Reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences” box is ticked

After clicking confirm, it may take a few seconds or minutes for all the graphics to be loaded and you should now see all the graphics you have downloaded appear in your save game.

Once your skin is reloaded, you can re-tick the "Use Caching to Decrease Page Loading Time" button so that the splash screen at the start takes a lot less longer to load. However, the above process needs to be undertaken every time you add graphics to your game to ensure that the game "reads" them.
From FM20 onwards, there's been a substantial change to how Mac FM documents are stored. Previously the files would automatically go in the Documents folder here:

Users/YOUR Mac USERNAME/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 202x

Now the files will instead appear in the following location:

Users/YOUR Mac USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 202x

By default this folder is hidden, so to access you need to do as follows:

Open Finder
Click ‘Go’ from the menubar
Press and hold down the ‘Option’ (Alt) key
This will bring up the ‘Library’, click to enter then go to ‘Application Support’ -> ‘Sports Interactive’ -> ‘Football Manager 202x’

Anything beyond the blue line is up to you and how you want to structure your folders.

The preferences should look like in the below screenshot:

To get them to look like this, navigate to your preferences on the welcome screen or by using the drop-down menu near the top right of the menu within your save game.

Choose the advanced tab (the blue square within the screenshot above) and select all from the drop-down menu on the right (the red square within the screenshot above).

Scroll down to the interface section near the middle of the list, where you are to make sure that:
• the “Use caching to decrease page loading times” box is unticked
• the “Reload skin when confirming changes in Preferences” box is ticked

After clicking confirm, it may take a few seconds or minutes for all the graphics to be loaded and you should now see all the graphics you have downloaded appear in your save game.

Once your skin is reloaded, you can re-tick the "Use Caching to Decrease Page Loading Time" button so that the splash screen at the start takes a lot less longer to load. However, the above process needs to be undertaken every time you add graphics to your game to ensure that the game "reads" them.
You need to change your user data location. Simple steps on how to do so can be found here.

The above step does not apply if you’re playing on Gamepass, in which case the user data location has to be the default one (i.e. Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 202x)

It is recommended that the user data location is not placed within the Steam installation folder as this may cause issues.
If you're using Gamepass, then you have to use the default user data folder (i.e. Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 202x)
The torrent file includes the base megapack uploaded just before that year’s FM version is released. Any and all subsequent update packs are to be downloaded separately.
For those who have never used torrents, in the vast majority of cases, it's just a question of downloading the client program (a small file, less than 1MB) and then downloading the megapack torrent file (a tiny file, around 20k) and then letting the program do the job.

Torrent files need a torrent client to be downloaded. I personally use µTorrent but other common clients are BitTorrent, Vuze and Deluge. For those using torrents for the first time, here is a general walk-through on how to download torrents and a specific guide for µTorrent.

Be aware that it will take a substantial amount of time to download the file due to its sheer size and that other people depend on you hosting the file to get it so please leave your torrent client on after you have fully downloaded it. The etiquette is generally accepted to be to upload as much as you download, although this might not always be possible. The older the torrent file, the less likely it is that there will still be users seeding it.
You need to copy and overwrite the faces and the new config file from the update pack into the faces folder and follow the same procedure for the iconfaces folder.

If done correctly, you should be asked if you want to overwrite files – accept. You should have one folder for faces and another folder for iconfaces, and no sub-folder whatsoever in them.

These steps are to be repeated for every update pack downloaded, and they are to be installed chronologically.
Please report this so that they can be reuploaded.
Extracting the file will take a while, but it shouldn't take the hours and hours that the program extracting will sometimes say it will. To speed it up, it is recommended that you have as few programs running as possible so that the system can dedicate as many resources to the extraction as it possibly can.

Secondly, for files as large as this, the calculation of the extraction time will be wildly incorrect at the start. After a while, it'll show a more realistic timeframe, which shouldn't be more than an hour or two if you have a good setup and few programs running at the same time.
You might have a poor internet connection or your browser might have some extensions which interrupt this download. Having loads of downloads ongoing and/or streaming may also de-prioritise this download.

Try using Google Chrome in incognito mode (or the equivalent mode for other browsers) and you should be able to resume the download from the point it was interrupted, if that happens.
This download has two folders: one is the faces folder which contains the cut-outs which should be displayed on this screen. There is also a file titled config.xml which tells the game which images to assign to which person. The other folder is the iconfaces folder which contains the smaller images displayed near a person's name on the menu which comes up when you right-click on them, and also includes a different config file for this folder.

The likelihood is that you've put the iconfaces in the faces folder, or used the wrong config file for each folder. As a result, the smaller images (in 25x18) are being upscaled to be displayed in the person's profile, hence the blurring. Re-install the update pack again, making sure you put the contents of each folder in the right place.
The most recent update pack will include the most recent config file, so you can choose to download it and use it from there.

Alternatively, you can download fmXML and generate a config yourself. There's a video on YouTube on how to use it but it's really easy and the instructions are quite straight-forward.
Down the years, after an update pack was released, it was noted that some images included therein where of the wrong person, with a wrong extension or duplicated. Due to the way the download system is structured, these cannot be removed from the download, so there may well be a couple of hundred images’ worth of difference, depending on the version you download.
Our megapack covers 25,000 teams and it's impossible to cater for these kind of requests since players and staff get transferred or sacked or retire etc and recreating and reuploading 25,000 different smaller packs would be an impossible task. That's why we have all the images in a megapack so that everything is captured therein.
These persons do not appear in the default database for licensing reasons. This means that they only appear in your save-game because they were added via a custom file, generally the real name fix file. However, this means that their UID (which is what is used to map a person's image to the right individual) is different, and so the game cannot assign the image to them from your existing facepack.

To get them to show, you should individually download the cut-out faces that you want from here (or use the UID to find them in your existing facepack if you don't use the cut-out megapack), put them in a separate folder to your existing facepack and create a config file just for them using the method outlined in here (which works for all facepack styles, not just the cut-out megapack).
Peeking Duck?
14 years ago
1 week ago
The installation instructions are the same because nothing's really changed since then.

Download the file, extract it and place it in the Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2014 > graphics folder. Make sure your preferences are set up in the same manner as the screenshot in the opening post.

And that's really it.

What seems to be your problem?

The problem is it seems to be causing a CTD with my system. Not blaming the product, just my system doesn't seem to like things as they stand, so I'm starting over. Below is my installation folder.

E:\Documents and Settings\Peeking\Football Manager 2012\graphics\sortitoutsi

Within this folder there are two sub-folders called 'faces' and 'iconfaces', along with the readme, and htm to the site.

Is this the correct installation path?

PS - I previously had the 5.01 megapack also residing in the graphics folder, could that have caused an issue having both the 5.01 and 6.0 megapacks in the same parent folder?

18 years ago
9 hours ago
What's a CTD?

That seems to be the correct installation path (if you're still playing FM12), but I'd prefer to see a screenshot to be sure.

If you have the 6.0 megapack, then you don't need 5.01. If you are up-to-date with the latest megapack version (6.06), then you should have around 145,000 images in total.
12 years ago
9 years ago
CTD = Crash to desktop, I guess.
18 years ago
9 hours ago
CTD = Crash to desktop, I guess.

on my part

Still (and I know you're not the original poster), but the more info is provided is better. Does it CTD after the game loads? Does it even load at all? Does it crash at a particular time within the game?
Peeking Duck?
14 years ago
1 week ago
What's a CTD?

That seems to be the correct installation path (if you're still playing FM12), but I'd prefer to see a screenshot to be sure.

If you have the 6.0 megapack, then you don't need 5.01. If you are up-to-date with the latest megapack version (6.06), then you should have around 145,000 images in total.

CTD = Crash To Desktop

Running FM 14 v 14.3.1


Peeking Duck?
14 years ago
1 week ago
on my part

Still (and I know you're not the original poster), but the more info is provided is better. Does it CTD after the game loads? Does it even load at all? Does it crash at a particular time within the game?

Hi Mons,

Yes, it crashes at the same time, which when you click the 'leave match' button, or by clicking 'continue', after a match. However, it's not after every match, or every other match. Sometimes I can complete 3 matches in a row before it crashes, sometimes only one.

I have deleted the old megapack 5.0 folder and running some tests now to see if that was indeed the conflict.

One thing is for sure, I can run the game fine with zero issues with no facepacks installed. I have tested this several times over. Again, I'm not saying the facepacks are the problem, just for some reason my system isn't liking them anymore
18 years ago
16 hours ago
You're playing FM14 mate,but your directory is pointing to Football Manager 12 which is dead on your comp (just guessing)
Peeking Duck?
14 years ago
1 week ago
You're playing FM14 mate,but your directory is pointing to Football Manager 12 which is dead on your comp (just guessing)

Well, I knew this was coming. And even though it doesn't matter what folder you use for add-ons, I understand the need to narrow down possibilities for error. To that end, I have switched to C:\Documents and Settings\Peeking\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014 just to make sure everything is as advised.

So, I've run tests and here's what I found.

1. I removed all add-ons. Real Name Fix. Logos. Kits. Everything.
2. I successfully completed 4 months worth of matches without issue using FM14 v14.3.1.
3. I added the cutout faces megapack and cutout faces icons megapack to C:\Documents and Settings\Peeking\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\graphics
4. I completed 1 match with no problems, after the next match it crashed at the same place is always does, ie, when I click 'leave match' or 'continue'
5. I repeated this process of play 2 matches, crash after 2nd one (see #4), restart game, 6 times. Or, in other words, 12 matches. All crashing in the same place.

I want to stress that I fully appreciate there's not really a problem with the packs as otherwise there would be loads of other complaints, not just me

That said, I'm hopeful someone can help me figure this out as I'd really like to use - it's very high quality work!

18 years ago
9 hours ago
Bit of a strange on this. It shouldn't really make a difference, but what kind of RAM does your PC have? I'm also assuming that your preferences are set up as displayed in the OP, right?

Have you tried clearing the cache?
Peeking Duck?
14 years ago
1 week ago
Bit of a strange on this. It shouldn't really make a difference, but what kind of RAM does your PC have?

4GB PC266 (yes, I'm still running Xp 32bit)

I'm also assuming that your preferences are set up as displayed in the OP, right?

Yes, except I've now changed it to the default folder (not that it matters).

Have you tried clearing the cache?

Yes. Multiple times. To be clear, I have no problem getting the images to show in game correctly. The problem is that running this pack is causing my system to crash repeatedly. It's really quite strange as I've used the Cutout Faces Megapacks since FM12(?) with zero problems until now
18 years ago
9 hours ago
I've stabbing in the dark now, but have you tried defragmenting your hard-disk?

I suspect it's something to do with the fact you're still on XP, but I'm sure you're not the only one still on that OS and nobody else has mentioned the issue
18 years ago
4 years ago
is it possible to convert this pack to a FMF file? (or some other alternative)

this split files are heavy work for the HDD, it takes a ton of time to move them on each format, defrager also takes forever because of the huge number of files.

so, what are your thoughts on FMFs? did you tried it? can i do it?

thanks for your time.
18 years ago
9 hours ago
I have no idea how to create an fmf file or any other alternative and anyway it's simply not viable imo to recreate a new file with every update. Think of the bandwidth necessary to be up-to-date when every update pack is released

Although I agree with your points re the drawbacks of the current system, I think they're fairly minor in the scheme of things. After all it's been working perfectly fine (bar instances like Peeking Duck's above) for over 5 years now and I really see no reason to change.
18 years ago
4 years ago
i'm creating FMFs as we speak to all my 11GB of FM graphics resources, so far i've made stadiums and kits into FMF, working perfectly.

about updates, we could create new files just for the updates, we just need to figure whats the priority in file names, and then use accordingly.

i'll report back when i get to the cutout megapack.
18 years ago
9 hours ago
Good luck to you, but I genuinely don't see the benefit in adding another degree of complexity
18 years ago
4 years ago
i prefer to have 3 or 5 files instead of 600.000+ files, it's best for performance and future machine formats, but maybe it's just me anyway, i thought i should at least say that it works, so maybe someone else is crazy like me
18 years ago
9 hours ago
Fair enough, but what if you want to change images or remove them or add them? Wouldn't you have to rebuild the fmf file every time then? I just don't think it's very practical tbh

And what difference is there in performance if I may ask? I'm not very well-informed about this part of FM, I'll admit.

I like things to be orderly too, mind you
18 years ago
4 years ago
just made a test, and i'm happy.

you can have multiple files adding the same resource, that only the first will show. example:

logos0_update2.fmf (10mb)
logos1_update1.fmf (20mb)
logos9_base.fmf (1gb)

the files that file 0 calls, will be displayed over files already on file 9, so this is perfect for updates. From year to year, you can delete all files from that resource, for example you had 5 logo files, and download the new version and build a single fmf.

ps: there seems to be some size limitation to FMFs, cause i've tried to build a 3GB file and it didn't work, but i've split it into 1.6gb + 1.4gb and it works that way. so if anyone has some info on this, i appreciate it.
Jogo Bonito
12 years ago
1 week ago
Hello All,

I've been using facepack 6.0 since FM14 launched, but now have the opportunity (with decent internet) to update to 6.6.

I know I can do update packs, but I'm really bad at this sort of stuff, and have a big challenge every year to do it once. Instead of doing 6 update packs (I may get confused where they go, how to do it etc) is it easier for me to load the complete 6.6 pack. If so, do I need to delete 6.0 before I start this task?

Thanks for any help, and as always the great effort you guys put in to making these packs.
15 years ago
4 months ago
Hi guys, can someone post here the config file for all the facepacks??
18 years ago
4 years ago
Hello All,

I've been using facepack 6.0 since FM14 launched, but now have the opportunity (with decent internet) to update to 6.6.

I know I can do update packs, but I'm really bad at this sort of stuff, and have a big challenge every year to do it once. Instead of doing 6 update packs (I may get confused where they go, how to do it etc) is it easier for me to load the complete 6.6 pack. If so, do I need to delete 6.0 before I start this task?

Thanks for any help, and as always the great effort you guys put in to making these packs.

if you will download FULL 6.6, delete everything you have previously from this pack.
18 years ago
4 years ago
Hi guys, can someone post here the config file for all the facepacks??

here is 6.06 config file.

and ziped:
18 years ago
9 hours ago
Hello All,

I've been using facepack 6.0 since FM14 launched, but now have the opportunity (with decent internet) to update to 6.6.

I know I can do update packs, but I'm really bad at this sort of stuff, and have a big challenge every year to do it once. Instead of doing 6 update packs (I may get confused where they go, how to do it etc) is it easier for me to load the complete 6.6 pack. If so, do I need to delete 6.0 before I start this task?

Thanks for any help, and as always the great effort you guys put in to making these packs.

Just wait until the 6.7 update pack is released in the coming days and download the whole megapack then. Remove the existing megapack folder and replace it with the new one.

Hi guys, can someone post here the config file for all the facepacks??
Use fmXML to create a config file for the contents of your MP folder, or you can just download the latest update pack which will include the config file for all the images in the megapack.

cachirro beat me to both
Jogo Bonito
12 years ago
1 week ago
Thanks for the replies guys.

Mons, I will wait a few days for 6.7, cheers for the tip. Would I need to delete 6.0 BEFORE downloading the full new pack?
18 years ago
9 hours ago
You can enjoy 6.0 for now, no need to be without player faces for the couple of days or so left till release
Jogo Bonito
12 years ago
1 week ago
Thanks Mons, yes I'm aware of that. But when 6.7 is available, do I need to remove 6.0 before I download the new one?

Are we just talking literally a few days then?
18 years ago
4 years ago
When you download the new FULL pack, remove the previous versions. where's your doubt?
Jogo Bonito
12 years ago
1 week ago
All I'm trying to understand is whether I need to remove 6.0 before downloading 6.7, or download 6.7 first and then remove 6.0.

18 years ago
4 years ago
whatever you've got now doesn't matter to what you can/want to download.

when 6.7 comes out:
1. download it
2. remove current pack
3. install new pack
4. enjoy the game

edit: you can also to, it's the same result

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