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Number 1
There's also some close ties going on there - as Simon Bird Tweeted recently, one of last week's Sun papers (can't remember which day) contained an op-ed from its City Editor on "Why we should love Mike Ashley". Interesting turnaround really considering that in 2009, Ashley said he felt a Sun article about him partying in a New York club led to threats against him and his family, as reported here: http://www.pressgazette.co.uk/node/42731
Pfft. The Glazers have somehow managed to swindle Chevrolet and Adidas out of more money for kit sponsorship alone than they actually paid for it.
Not denying the Glazers are fantastic businessmen too.
Can't deny that Ashley is good at what he does (in a business sense of course)
Based Jorge
Which is expected to be tonight.
Weird how Manchester United aren't getting any criticism for having an unethical sponsor.
Number 1
Tbf, nearly all kit-makers employ sweatshop labourers and have been accused of environmental pollution, the league as a whole is sponsored by a bank that gets accused of some new moral shittery every week, most the league's sponsors have ethical problems and at least one club has been directly accused by the government of paying employees less than minimum wage. Ethics sailed away from football a long long time ago.
One more signing and I'll be happy.
Summer of recruitment is pointless if we don't replace the main amount of goals we scored last season.
If Pardew is freezing out Marveuax, Ben Arfa and Mbiwa they all need replaced too. They need to be sold - I don't want to hear "we couldn't get the last few 'over the line' because big wages were still on our wage bill because Pardew isn't using them correctly.
Hiring a competent manager would solve this, though.
Still hope for another striker. And would love another deep lying midfielder. Would also like a young RB for backup.
Hope Pardew stops being a gimp - and can get Obertan, HBA, Marveaux and Ameobi in the squad and playing well.
Armstrong and Perez played today, where as Campbell played for the U21's so I'm guessing that's the pecking order of young strikers at the minute.
MYM played with the young'uns and reserves though didn't he? While Steven fucking Taylor got a game in the first half? I'm unsure how the game went btw as I was out so correct me if I'm wrong.
Number 1
I don't think Obertan can ever be made into a quality player, but the underuse of HBA and Marveaux towards the end of last year was stupid. Maybe things will have been repaired by the summer break... one hopes so anyway.
I know little about Riviere but might have potential. We need one first choice at the least along with him and the soon-to-be-confirmed Janmaat signing.
Still think Obertan should be given a shot, he's extremely quick and good technically. He's not done any less than Marveaux.
And good to see MYM starting at centre back, we should just play him there constantly until Christmas - if he's improved or showing signs of improvement great, if he hasn't maybe start looking at getting another CB in January and letting him leave.
I fear he'll be used as a makeweight if we do try again for Lacazette though.
Number 1
Not a fan.
A few signings made, and suddenly fans are debating if they'd rather have Benteke, Aubameyang or Lacazette.
Reminding me of Norwich last year. Definitely going to be relegated.
It's probably going to be Carroll
I actually don't think Benteke sounds too silly. Lerner will probably be willing to sell, or at least consider a sale. I know he's injured but I don't think that is a major issue any more in medicals. Probably wouldn't be that much more expensive than Remy or Ba in total costs either.
EDIT - Riviere confirmed.
Number 1
I don't want Benteke at the moment because he's going to be injured until October/November, and that puts a lot of pressure on Riverie, Perez, Armstrong and Campbell to carry us until his return. It's a shame as he would be a very useful option, although I'm more amused less by the Newcastle fan reaction and more of those of Aston Villa fans screaming blue murder.
Splash The Cash On Matt Le Tiss
Number 1
Still more than Shola and de Jong.
But yes, we do need one more and I think the club are still looking for one more.
Number 1
Shocking news. Thoughts and prayers with their families, as they are with everyone else on board that flight.
Slashman X