Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive over 480,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.

  • 489,095
  • 2025.03 - Released on 11 Feb 2025
Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

14 years ago
3 months ago
Can anyone cut this please, I know their not great images but best I could find it is Exeter City's new physio who is not in the game yet but should be in January his name is Graham McAnuff
18 years ago
6 hours ago
Once he is in the game and once a better source image is found, then he'll be cut. Till then, I'm afraid you'll have to wait...
13 years ago
1 month ago
I have seen that there is another thread with this but is now locked and I don't understand the methodology. I am not a noob when it comes to graphics for FM, but if someone could simplify a way of keeping te original faces for FM I would be greatful.
18 years ago
6 hours ago
I have seen that there is another thread with this but is now locked and I don't understand the methodology. I am not a noob when it comes to graphics for FM, but if someone could simplify a way of keeping te original faces for FM I would be greatful.

Hi there, please read this post explaining why it's not as easy as it seems....
14 years ago
4 years ago
Hi, I'm trying to find a Watford (English Championship) updated cut out face pack. I cant seem to find one anywhere. Can anyone help please?
18 years ago
6 hours ago
I don't recall a recent pack for Watford. The lower down the pyramid you go, the less chance you have of finding good sources, and I suspect this is the case with the Hornets. If you come across some decent and recent sources for them, then you are more than welcome to request them in the correct threads
Martin Fallows
11 years ago
4 years ago
Can someone add the megapack to steam please?
13 years ago
2 years ago
Can someone add the megapack to steam please?

18 years ago
6 hours ago
It's simply too big to be uploaded to Steam...
Martin Fallows
11 years ago
4 years ago
It's simply too big to be uploaded to Steam...

fair enough...thought there was a reason there's naff all on steam workshop this year. Will have try sort my laptop out then cheers for replying!
Martin Fallows
11 years ago
4 years ago

You doosh! A few logos will do help a brother in need
18 years ago
6 hours ago
All of the files on this site are either available through torrents or through direct links. There's really no need for them to be on Steam
12 years ago
4 years ago
Right so I've sourced images for all the remaining Derby County U21 and U18's cut-outs that are missing from the latest Megapack, along with one staff member. The problem is that 15/19 of the images aren't big enough, so I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to enlarge them (without losing quality) for me?

P.S I posted it in this thread as I didn't really have an idea where I should. Sorry if it's in the wrong thread. Also if someone wants to do it you can download the images from the link below. Jorna Moulton, Kyron Stabana, Mo Adams and Tom Rigby are the images that don't need resizing from the folder.
18 years ago
6 hours ago
You are indeed correct in thinking that the bulk of them are too small to get a worthwhile cut from.

Resizing them without losing quality isn't really an option as there isn't a magic trick to do so. What would help is if you linked to the online source you got the images from. Very occasionally, removing part of the URL or renaming it can lead to bigger sources than those originally displayed. Also, if you are to eventually post the pack in the teampack request thread, the player names would need to be changed to their UIDs to make cutters' life a little bit easier...
12 years ago
4 years ago
Yeah I wasn't sure if there would be a 'magic trick' for that but I'll link the sources below and I understand I'll have to change the names to the UIDs when I post them. Thanks for the information mons.

Derby County U21's

Derby County U18's

Derby County Staff
18 years ago
6 hours ago
Regarding the Derby U21s link, I haven't been able to get a direct link to the page the sources are located on, so the best you can do for them is print screen+paste to Paint.

As for the U18s and Staff page, I have been able to find much larger images by modifying the URL. Basically, to pick an image at random, instead of,

you remove the struckthrough part of the URL, which gives you this image, which I'm sure you'll agree is much better.

Hope this helps
15 years ago
3 months ago
Mons edit: moved from a new thread named Individual League/Team facepacks

Are there any available anywhere or do you have to download the megapacks, Excuse my ignorance but I have been away from FM for several years but was bought it at xmas & have started in the depths of Segunda B in Spain & would love to download the facepacks for that league . Is this possible?

18 years ago
6 hours ago
Mons edit: moved from a new thread named Individual League/Team facepacks

Are there any available anywhere or do you have to download the megapacks, Excuse my ignorance but I have been away from FM for several years but was bought it at xmas & have started in the depths of Segunda B in Spain & would love to download the facepacks for that league . Is this possible?


This question is periodically asked and the answer is always the same: unfortunately not.

Unless a way of automating it becomes possible, it is extremely impractical to categorise all the 154,000+ images in the megapack under nationality, club or division. Quite apart from that, what happens when a player or manager moves from one club to another, are we expected to keep up-to-date with all the real-life transfers? And if a player is on loan, what club should he be considered "at", his parent club or the one he's playing with? At the end of every season, we would also have to change clubs according to promotions/relegations etc. Moreover, once you start your FM game, you and other teams can always buy players from outside your country/division...

As you can see, splitting the megapack is fraught with problems and is frankly more trouble than it's worth. It's much easier to download the full megapack and then add to it as each update is released. Since you've been away from FM for many years, I would suggest that you download the 7.0 torrent file from here then downloading the 7.01 and 7.02 packs to be fully up-to-date. Coincidentally, I'm playing in the Segunda B myself atm and, although not as complete as higher divisions, there's plenty of player cut-outs, even at this level
12 years ago
4 years ago
Regarding the Derby U21s link, I haven't been able to get a direct link to the page the sources are located on, so the best you can do for them is print screen+paste to Paint.

As for the U18s and Staff page, I have been able to find much larger images by modifying the URL. Basically, to pick an image at random, instead of,

you remove the struckthrough part of the URL, which gives you this image, which I'm sure you'll agree is much better.

Hope this helps

Thanks for the help mons, I'm just sorting the larger images now and then I'll upload them to the teampack thread soon (with the UID's of course) as I don't really trust my cutting out abilities
15 years ago
3 months ago
Apologies if this is not meant for here but I have download some teampacks but there are no config files with them, Is this the case with them all & if so any advice (for an amateur) on the best way to get them?

18 years ago
6 hours ago
Apologies if this is not meant for here but I have download some teampacks but there are no config files with them, Is this the case with them all & if so any advice (for an amateur) on the best way to get them?


You can create configs for any pack or group of images by reading the instructions in this post. However, all the missing images and the improvement images both from the released facepacks and from the individual threads are collected and released in the regular megapack update packs, so you can wait until those are released, if you want to.
12 years ago
4 years ago
Could someone tell me Ched Evan's ID from FM14 please?
14 years ago
6 days ago
Could anyone make his colors looks more natural?!
The Kraken
13 years ago
10 years ago
hey can anyone send me the xml config file for the 7. cutout face-pack or pm me the file??
18 years ago
6 hours ago
7.03 will be out very shortly and you can use that one. In the meantime, you can use the steps outlined in this thread to create a config file for your existing folder structure.
18 years ago
2 hours ago
Some 327 years ago, I suggested the rule change about max number of requests (limit of ONE per user).Now I see NiceLad (and Jubez?) wish that too.When we started this,there was limit of 5,we had a solid number of active cutters.Then there was a limit of 3,which is still in use.The main reason for doing that was the fact that number of requesters is increasing with every new version of the game.I was active on both Missing and Improvements thread,but as NiceLad and Jubez said,those threads became congested with bad requests,so I quit cutting there.There were situations when I done some cut,and one hour later new reply pops up ...."Oh,I found a better source".Searching internet for images seems like a simple task,but some requesters just don't know how to find a good image.Also there is a problem of tracking users breaking the Rule Of 3 over small period of time (posting one request today,two after 3 days,one 7 days later...).I believe it is hard for BajaHater to compile those undone requests,too.
So,I think limiting the no. of request to 1 is the best thing right now.Much more control over things,faster job,bringing motivation back to cutters.
17 years ago
1 day ago
11 years ago
10 years ago
Player ID of Simone Scuffet and Alex Meret?
18 years ago
6 hours ago
Scuffet: 43094163

Meret: 43140326
13 years ago
4 months ago
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has the original/default Memphis Depay 180x180 face on FM15?


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