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It's not the kits that are overlapping, it's just the fact that the texture overlay (which is what gives the kits the realistic effect) is the same shape as the standard default kits.
There is a SS style kit default pack you can get which will solve your problem. See my thread here:
This shows you what the kits on the tactics screen look like if you use that pack:
Make sure you use the full pack as it also includes a narrower set of numbers to fit the narrower kit style.
Hope this helps.
That pack worked a treat apart from the goalkeeper jersey it still seems to have the shadow of the old kit, any ideas?
However, looking at your screenshot I don't think you've done that because you are still showing the standard numbers that are just a bit too wide for the kits - see your number 29 and and compare it to the number 29 in my screenshot.
So, if you've manually put the kits somewhere then check the directory where you have the goalkeeper backs and make sure that it contains the texture overlay, which is a file called effect.png, that looks like this:-
Hope this helps - let me know if not.
It is correct that effect.png is not mentioned in the config - just having it in the right directory is all that is required.
Do you have the pack in the following location?:
C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\graphics\pictures\kits\2d\goalkeeper\back
That is where I have them, and my the GK effect is working fine for me:
Here is a screenshot of where my kits were put, and the numbers file is there too
This is the folder structure I'm using:
I don't believe it makes a difference if it's placed anywhere within the graphics folder - or does it?
In the top half, the goalkeeper backs and the numbers are both in the locations I specified - the last part of which mirrors exactly the file path in the SI Games .fmf archive for the standard defaults (pictures\kits\2d\goalkeeper\back) which are:
C:\Users\Andy\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\graphics\pictures\kits\2d\goalkeeper\back
C:\Users\Andy\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\graphics\pictures\kits\2d\numbers\default
However, in lower half I moved the goalkeeper backs and narrower numbers to the following:
C:\Users\Andy\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\graphics\andy test\goalkeeper\back
C:\Users\Andy\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\graphics\andy test\numbers\default
And as you can see, in the lower half neither the goalkeeper effect nor the narrower numbers are working.
Guessing it is because the effect.png for the goalkeeper isn't referred to in the config, so the game must look down a defined path for it, and for the numbers, the file path is actually showing in the config itself.
So the upshot is, they do need to be placed in exactly the file path I have specified or they won't work.
In your file-path you have a directory called Kits, if you change this to kits (without a capital) then it should work. I've just fired up my game and tried it the opposite way round by changing my kits to Kits and when I do the goalkeeper texture and the narrower numbers don't show.
This game can be so frustrating at times - some things are really easy to edit/mod whilst for others everything has to be so exact that the slightest innocuous looking change makes all the difference.
I have to confess I didn't know any of this until you posted your problem. I was just lucky that I copied the SI Games directory structure when working on these - if I'd tried to do it in another location then I'd have just thought you couldn't change them and given up!!
That's unbelievable that a capital "K" could cause so much trouble
Fidney, perhaps you should specify all this in the download page for the default kits
Thanks to you guys for your feedback and persistence in getting it sorted out otherwise I would never have learned myself that they couldn't be just put anywhere. Hopefully this will help others too (and I hope that not too many people tried them and binned them thinking they don't work properly!)
I updated the installation instructions in the OP in my default kits thread earlier today, and added a note about making sure that the GK backs and numbers were placed in exactly the right location and that the file path was case sensitive, so hopefully that will do the trick.