This page refers to an older game FM14. View CD Marathón in all games.

CD Marathón are a team in Football Manager 2014. Marathón play in the Liga Nacional de Honduras in Honduras in FM 14.

CD Marathón
Liga Nacional de Honduras
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

CD Marathón Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by CD Marathón will be Excellent

CD Marathón Transfers

Looking for players to buy for CD Marathón in Football Manager 2014?

This is a guide to managing CD Marathón in FM14. If you want to play Football Manager 2014 with an updated CD Marathón squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM14 Update which updates the Football Manager 2014 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2014 Data Update you can download.

CD Marathón Players in FM14

All CD Marathón Players in Football Manager 2014
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Amado Guevara 37 AM C £210 £30 £20 30-03-2014
Óscar Bonilla 35 D/WB RL, DM, M RL £350 £30 £10 30-03-2014
Luis Alfredo Ramírez 35 ST £240 £30 £20 30-03-2014
Mario Berríos 31 WB L, DM, M LC £290 £100 £50 30-03-2014
Astor Henríquez 30 SW, D C, DM £160 £140 £60 30-03-2014
Rony Flores 28 ST £970 £260 £120 30-03-2014
Roy Posas 29 D RLC £200 £220 £110 30-03-2014
Alexander Aguilar 25 AM RC, F C £90 £300 £150 30-03-2014
Mauricio Sabillón 34 D/WB/M R £330 £30 £10 30-03-2014
Romel Murillo 29 D RLC £260 £200 £90 30-03-2014
Yull Arzú 26 GK £100 £200 £100 30-03-2014
Sergio Bica 30 D RLC £160 £210 £100 29-06-2014
Junior Sandoval 22 AM R, ST £180 £500 £250 29-06-2016
Pablo Rodríguez 27 ST £50 £300 £140 30-03-2014
Mathías Rolero 24 GK £300 £320 £160 31-12-2014
Luis Maldonado 28 D C, DM £210 £350 £160 29-06-2014
Jonathan Techera 23 ST £340 £68k £5k 29-06-2014
Francisco Serna 23 DM £60 £290 £160 30-03-2014
Miguel Castillo 29 DM, AM LC £340 £200 £100 30-03-2014
Alfredo Mejía 23 WB R, DM, M RC £230 £290 £140 30-03-2014
Manuel Doño 23 D RLC £70 £290 £70 30-03-2014
Julián Rápalo 26 D/WB/AM RL £160 £290 £140 30-03-2014
David Meza 26 DM, M RC £120 £290 £130 30-03-2014
Cristian Altamirano 23 WB/AM RL £160 £290 £140 30-03-2014
Johnny Barrios 28 D RC £210 £230 £100 30-03-2014
Braian Osorio 27 WB R, AM R, ST £230 £300 £140 30-03-2014
Jairo Puerto 24 AM R, ST £230 £300 £160 30-03-2014
Luís Berríos 21 AM LC, F C £90 £300 £330 30-03-2014
Wilmer Fuentes 21 DM £210 £290 £390 30-03-2014
Diego Reyes 23 ST £70 £300 £70 30-03-2014
Jonathan Reyes 20 ST £60 £300 £400 30-03-2014
Marco Tulio Vega 26 ST £180 £300 £150 30-03-2014
Oliver Fúnez 21 AM RLC £100 £300 £330 30-03-2014
Kevin Espinoza 20 D/WB L, DM, M L £170 £290 £390 30-03-2014
Denovan Torres 23 GK £60 £200 £40 30-03-2014
Brian Carbajal 18 ST £50 £300 £520 30-03-2014