This page refers to an older game FM15. View Raj Vithi FC in all games.

Raj Vithi FC are a team in Football Manager 2015. Raj Vithi play in the Thai Division Two Bangkok & Field Region in Thailand in FM 15.

Raj Vithi FC
Thai Division Two Bangkok & Field Region
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Raj Vithi FC Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Raj Vithi FC will be Poor

Raj Vithi FC Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Raj Vithi FC in Football Manager 2015?

This is a guide to managing Raj Vithi FC in FM15. If you want to play Football Manager 2015 with an updated Raj Vithi FC squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM15 Update which updates the Football Manager 2015 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2015 Data Update you can download.

Raj Vithi FC Players in FM15

All Raj Vithi FC Players in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Weerapong Kornyok 16 ST £0 £500 £970 31-12-2016
Edward Muwenda 23 D C £30 £170 £180 31-12-2014
Apirak Meesri 29 DM £20 £80 £80 31-12-2014
Yotsakorn Kuanchan 26 ST £30 £120 £130 31-12-2014
Nattapong Pawiset 27 D RC £20 £90 £90 31-12-2014
Tidiane Sylla 27 D L £30 £140 £140 31-12-2014
Siwarut Pholhiran 28 M C £30 £110 £110 31-12-2014
Natthasut Boonsongsut 26 GK £20 £80 £80 31-12-2014
Thitawee Luksornsri 21 ST £10 £120 £140 31-12-2014
Jakrin Suphiratworrapong 23 D L £20 £90 £90 31-12-2014
Supasan Chansri 27 D C £30 £110 £100 31-12-2014
Phanupong Chanhom 30 AM C £20 £70 £70 31-12-2014
Rat Channongsuang 28 D C £20 £100 £90 31-12-2014
Jakkrit Wisetrat 21 GK £0 £80 £90 31-12-2014
Phusit Sridokput 28 D C £10 £100 £90 31-12-2014
Warut Wajasat 23 AM LC £20 £120 £120 31-12-2014
Chattrakarn Tarnlert 22 ST £20 £120 £110 31-12-2014
Phunupong Rungsuree 30 ST £20 £80 £70 31-12-2014
Thawatchai Roikeaw 23 D C £10 £110 £100 31-12-2014
Santiphap Chan-ngom 20 ST £20 £120 £150 31-12-2014
Suriyan Trairat 26 AM RC £10 £120 £120 31-12-2014
Phudit Jitrungsakorn 27 ST £20 £120 £120 31-12-2014
Kittiphan Naksomboon 22 ST £10 £120 £110 31-12-2014
Pacharadanai Sripratiyutwong 17 DM £0 £120 £210 31-12-2014
Supasin Nuphichai 27 D LC, DM, M LC £10 £120 £110 31-12-2014
Tanachat Chomchuen 18 D R £0 £90 £150 31-12-2014
Nithiphat Boriboonwat 18 M C £0 £120 £180 31-12-2014
Jaruwat Phosai 18 D C £0 £110 £160 31-12-2014
Suttirak Chantharuphan 17 D L £0 £90 £160 31-12-2014
Chanachai Rangsibut 25 AM/F C £10 £120 £110 31-12-2014
Nattawat Phoksawat 20 D C £10 £110 £120 31-12-2014
Danudet Treemongkolchok 28 ST £0 £110 £90 31-12-2014

Raj Vithi FC Staff in FM15

Raj Vithi FC Staff in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Phakorn Sirisopha 114 Chairman
Wirat Wongsung 114 Managing Director

Raj Vithi FC Peaked Players in FM15

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Natthasut Boonsongsut 26 GK £20 £80 £80 31-12-2014
Thitawee Luksornsri 21 ST £10 £120 £140 31-12-2014
Jakrin Suphiratworrapong 23 D L £20 £90 £90 31-12-2014