This page refers to an older game FM15. View Cavalier FC in all games.

Cavalier FC are a team in Football Manager 2015. Cavalier play in the Jamaican National Premier League in Jamaica in FM 15.

Cavalier FC
Jamaican National Premier League
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Cavalier FC Newgen Rating

Below Average

Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Cavalier FC will be Below Average

Cavalier FC Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Cavalier FC in Football Manager 2015?

This is a guide to managing Cavalier FC in FM15. If you want to play Football Manager 2015 with an updated Cavalier FC squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM15 Update which updates the Football Manager 2015 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2015 Data Update you can download.

Cavalier FC Players in FM15

All Cavalier FC Players in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Dwayne Holmes 29 D C, DM £150 £800 £340 30-03-2016
Chevone Marsh 20 AM L, ST £120 £640 £260 30-08-2017
Donovan Edwards 23 AM/F C £140 £870 £340 30-03-2016
Roy Forbes 24 AM RC £120 £830 £320 30-03-2016
Claudius Blackburn 24 AM/F C £140 £830 £320 30-08-2018
Geovaunie Samuda 21 D/WB RL £90 £600 £230 30-08-2018
Al Nesbeth 21 D C, DM £100 £760 £290 30-08-2017
Davion Roberts 28 AM L, ST £140 £800 £310 30-03-2016
Zhelano Barnes 20 D/WB/M L £30 £390 £600 30-03-2016
Norman Bailey 26 AM RC £120 £670 £250 30-03-2016
Jahmika Hutchinson 23 D/WB L £100 £500 £190 30-03-2016
Dwayne Phidd 30 M RC £100 £310 £120 30-03-2016
Deno Schaffe 23 ST £120 £640 £240 30-08-2018
Jeffery Grant 26 D/WB/M R £50 £480 £180 30-03-2016
Kirk Fletcher 28 D R £100 £430 £160 30-03-2016
Jermaine Ricketts 26 DM £100 £610 £230 30-03-2016
Jemar Thomas 23 ST £110 £640 £240 30-03-2016
Kadeem Davis 23 GK £40 £420 £160 30-03-2016
Anthony Stitchell 25 AM RL £20 £500 £180 30-03-2016
Tavares Thompson 21 D RC £60 £510 £190 30-03-2016
Conroy Johnson 20 AM L, ST £90 £600 £220 30-03-2016
Davion Alves 26 M C £110 £570 £210 30-03-2016
Paul Garrick 21 AM RL, ST £100 £570 £710 30-03-2016
Roybert Clarke 24 GK £80 £370 £220 30-03-2016
Patrick Palmer 19 D/WB R £60 £380 £630 30-03-2016
Mark Brown 21 DM, M RC £80 £530 £660 30-03-2016
Rashede Clarke 26 M LC £100 £530 £190 30-03-2016
Girvon Brown 27 M RC £100 £520 £570 30-08-2018
Christopher Louden 24 GK £40 £350 £390 30-03-2016
Kevin Lamey 38 ST £90 £30 £30 30-03-2015
Oshane Jenkins 20 SW, D RC £60 £420 £610 30-03-2016
Kamoy Simpson 22 ST £120 £530 £540 30-03-2016
Ryan Miller 17 D C, DM £10 £510 £910 30-03-2016
Odean Clarke 20 GK £40 £340 £480 30-03-2016
Giovanni Green 19 AM C £50 £490 £820 30-03-2016
Kemel Mullings 26 ST £110 £510 £540 30-03-2016
Liston James 24 D R £90 £380 £410 30-08-2018
Peter Morris 24 AM R, ST £100 £500 £540 30-03-2016
Kevin Watson 24 D LC £60 £380 £390 30-03-2016
Javanie Mitchell 19 ST £80 £500 £800 30-03-2016
Donovan Alvaranga 27 D C, DM £100 £420 £440 30-08-2018
Courtney Dowdie 18 GK £10 £320 £490 30-03-2015
Alex Marshall 16 AM LC £10 £500 £950 30-03-2017
Lamar Morgan 31 D C £55 £160 £160 30-03-2016
Fabian Swaby 34 ST £50 £30 £30 30-03-2015

Cavalier FC Loaned Out Players in FM15

Players out on loan from Cavalier FC in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Kimarlee Brissett 24 D/WB L £100 £550 £210 30-03-2016

Cavalier FC Staff in FM15

Cavalier FC Staff in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Rudolph Speid 46 Chairman £165
Lamar Morgan 31 Player/Assistant Manager (First Team) £55 30-03-2016
David Laylor 46 Manager (First Team) £55

Cavalier FC Peaked Players in FM15

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Dwayne Phidd 30 M RC £100 £310 £120 30-03-2016
Rashede Clarke 26 M LC £100 £530 £190 30-03-2016
Kirk Fletcher 28 D R £100 £430 £160 30-03-2016