This page refers to an older game FM15. View Sestri Levante in all games.

Sestri Levante are a team in Football Manager 2015. Sestri Levante play in the Italian Serie D Grp. A in Italy in FM 15.

Sestri Levante
Italian Serie D Grp. A
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Fairly Basic
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Sestri Levante Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Sestri Levante will be Poor

Sestri Levante Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Sestri Levante in Football Manager 2015?

This is a guide to managing Sestri Levante in FM15. If you want to play Football Manager 2015 with an updated Sestri Levante squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM15 Update which updates the Football Manager 2015 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2015 Data Update you can download.

Sestri Levante Players in FM15

All Sestri Levante Players in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Rodrigue Boisfer 33 DM £530 £34k £14k 29-06-2015
Cristian Longobardi 31 ST £360 £50k £20k 29-06-2015
Giuseppe Stancampiano 27 GK £230 £123k £47k 29-06-2015
Christian Monacizzo 23 DM £260 £156k £59k 29-06-2015
Nikola Olivieri 27 AM/F C £260 £126k £47k 29-06-2015
Giuseppe Dolce 22 DM £270 £156k £58k 29-06-2015
Andrea Cardini 29 AM L, ST £280 £102k £37k 29-06-2015
Arturo Moscato 17 GK £190 £36k £76k 29-06-2016
Simone Bettati 22 D LC £430 £86k £31k 29-06-2015
Nicola Pescatore 20 M C £350 £35k £50k 29-06-2016
Massimiliano Pane 21 D C £180 £64k £70k 29-06-2015
Shalva Sanashvili 18 D/WB/M L £170 £48k £52k 29-06-2015
Filippo Lorenzini 19 D C £350 £44k £72k 29-06-2016
Francesco Mautone 28 M RL £230 £51k £55k 29-06-2015
Lorenzo Gallotti 18 D L £30 £23k £25k 29-06-2015
Marco Firenze 20 AM R £180 £41k £43k 29-06-2015
Lorenzo Melli 18 ST £350 £26k £45k 29-06-2016
Andrea Olcese 17 D C £110 £25k £26k 29-06-2015
Daniel Sangerardi 17 M L £350 £33k £56k 29-06-2017
Federico Testoni 17 ST £350 £15k £28k 29-06-2016
Marco Marchesi 20 ST £110 £16k £16k 29-06-2015
Stefano De Paola 17 GK £100 £14k £14k 29-06-2015
Fabio Favilli 16 AM R £160 £24k £44k 29-06-2017
Luca Guazzoni 17 D C £30 £13k £12k 29-06-2016
Domenico Besana 17 ST £60 £4k £8k 29-06-2015
Edoardo Durante 17 ST £30 £3k £5k 29-06-2016
Davide Campazzo 16 ST £40 £2k £3k 29-06-2017
Matteo Naclerio 17 AM C £40 £2k £3k 29-06-2015
Michele Oronos 16 AM R £30 £2k £3k 29-06-2017
Claudio Recalchi 16 DM £40 £2k £3k 29-06-2017
Andrea Scaduto 17 DM, M R £40 £2k £2k 29-06-2015
Christian Provenzano 17 ST £30 £2k £2k 29-06-2015
Fabio Favalli 16 AM L £30 £2k £3k 29-06-2017
Matteo Morana 16 M C £30 £2k £3k 29-06-2017
Giuliano Polanco 16 D C £30 £2k £2k 29-06-2017
Gregorio Rossi 16 DM £30 £2k £3k 29-06-2017
Filippo Bacherotti 16 ST £30 £2k £3k 29-06-2017
Nicolò Raffo 16 D R £30 £1k £2k 29-06-2017
Luca Dessalvi 16 AM R £30 £1k £2k 29-06-2017
Mirko Chioino 16 M L £30 £1k £2k 29-06-2017
Giovanni Saracchi 16 M R £30 £1k £2k 29-06-2017
Gian Marco Pimentel 17 M L £40 £2k £3k 29-06-2015
Matteo Giovannelli 17 D R £40 £2k £3k 29-06-2015
Salvatore Carluccio 16 D R £30 £2k £3k 29-06-2017

Sestri Levante Staff in FM15

Sestri Levante Staff in Football Manager 2015