This page refers to an older game FM15. View RBAC FC in all games.

RBAC FC are a team in Football Manager 2015. RBAC play in the Thai Division Two Bangkok & Field Region in Thailand in FM 15.

Thai Division Two Bangkok & Field Region
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Below Average
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

RBAC FC Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by RBAC FC will be Basic

RBAC FC Transfers

Looking for players to buy for RBAC FC in Football Manager 2015?

This is a guide to managing RBAC FC in FM15. If you want to play Football Manager 2015 with an updated RBAC FC squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM15 Update which updates the Football Manager 2015 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2015 Data Update you can download.

RBAC FC Players in FM15

All RBAC FC Players in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Bouba Abbo 22 AM/F C £770 £8k £3k 31-12-2016
Prayad Boonya 35 SW, D C £770 £300 £110 31-12-2016
Tornubari Nyonebue 25 ST £180 £570 £620 31-12-2014
Thanakorn Saipanya 21 D C £180 £2k £2k 31-12-2015
Ehiemere Uchenna 21 D C £110 £400 £420 31-12-2014
Presertsak Kongprasert 23 D LC £90 £430 £460 31-12-2015
Okechukwu Nwabueze 28 ST £200 £320 £340 31-12-2014
Phinit Chaichana 31 M C £110 £40 £40 31-12-2014
Chumpol Seekhiao 21 M C £50 £120 £130 31-12-2014
Sayomphu Saket 27 D C £80 £110 £100 31-12-2014
Chanapol Seeharat 28 ST £100 £150 £140 31-12-2014
Tanongsak Wongthom 21 D C £70 £420 £460 31-12-2015
Kittisak Kaew-in 29 ST £60 £100 £90 31-12-2014
Watcharin Thongmon 23 GK £10 £80 £80 31-12-2014
Thanaphon Wetchaya 18 ST £20 £120 £200 31-12-2014
Jirayut Songkhong 20 D C £50 £110 £130 31-12-2014
Buakhaw Banchamek 32 ST £30 £30 £20 31-12-2014
Chumpol Seekhiew 20 M C £30 £50 £60 31-12-2014
Nares Bunbanda 19 AM C £110 £480 £670 31-12-2016
Kasidech Promdontri 19 D L £10 £90 £130 31-12-2014
Nattha Thongrod 19 ST £10 £120 £170 31-12-2014
Weerapol Kluaphlat 23 AM R, ST £60 £120 £110 31-12-2014
Pathompong Sirichanthopas 19 GK £0 £320 £450 31-12-2015
Siwa Prommas 20 M L £20 £120 £140 31-12-2014
Ekphol Chuphirom 29 ST £30 £80 £70 31-12-2014
Pranot Prathummet 18 DM, M RC £0 £120 £180 31-12-2014
Kritsanapong Suwankham 18 ST £0 £120 £190 31-12-2014
Ratchanat Aranpairot 17 DM £0 £120 £200 31-12-2014
Nattaphon Pongkan 25 AM C £20 £120 £110 31-12-2014
Jaturong Chairat 18 AM R £0 £120 £190 31-12-2014
Thanapong Buntap 25 AM C £20 £120 £110 31-12-2014
Thanachat Chomchuen 21 GK £0 £80 £80 31-12-2014
Ratthapong Senapadung 24 D RL £30 £90 £80 31-12-2014

RBAC FC Staff in FM15

RBAC FC Staff in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Samrit Sechana 45 Coach (First Team)
Narin Namangrak 47 Coach (First Team)
Sopit Panomai 54 Director
Somdet Hid-ted 46 Manager (First Team)
Prawet Rattanaphian 114 Chairman
Piyanat Rattanaphian 114 Managing Director