This page refers to an older game FM16. View Vanarama National League in all games.

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The Vanarama National League is a league in Football Manager 2016. Vanarama National can be found in England in FM 16. The Vanarama National League is playable in FM2016.

This page describes Vanarama National League in FM16 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM16 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM16 Database Update instead.

Vanarama National League
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Manage in Vanarama National League in Football Manager 2016

Are you looking to manage a team in Vanarama National League in FM16? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Vanarama National League and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Aldershot Town £-50k £1 £1 1,759 Basic Basic Limited 54 57
Altrincham £100k £1 £750 1,246 Below Average Poor Limited 54 57
Barrow £600k £20k £800 1,659 Below Average Basic Limited 54 60
Boreham Wood £99k £2k £1k 505 Average Basic Limited 56 60
Braintree Town £200k £8k £800 835 Poor Poor Limited 54 57
Bromley £80k £10k £1k 1,287 Basic Basic Limited 56 58
Cheltenham Town £70k £1 £1k 2,864 Adequate Basic Limited 59 63
Chester £55k £1 £850 2,189 Adequate Below Average Limited 55 61
Dover Athletic £100k £8k £2k 963 Basic Poor Limited 55 58
Eastleigh £450k £60k £2k 1,752 Below Average Poor Limited 58 61
FC Halifax Town £300k £50k £2k 1,472 Below Average Poor Limited 56 60
Forest Green Rovers £28k £17k £4k 1,502 Average Basic Limited 57 62
Gateshead £320k £15k £5k 1,178 Adequate Basic Limited 56 59
Grimsby Town £1 £1 £1k 3,683 Basic Basic Limited 57 60
Guiseley £31k £1 £1 762 Poor Poor Limited 54 59
Kidderminster Harriers £125k 1,910 Poor Poor Limited 54 61
Lincoln City £25k £4k £2k 2,563 Good Basic Limited 58 61
Macclesfield Town £1 £700 1,613 Average Below Average Limited 55 60
Southport £100k £10k £1 1,070 Basic Poor Limited 54 60
Torquay United £120k £1 £1k 1,952 Average Poor Limited 55 62
Tranmere Rovers £1 £50k £2k 5,113 Adequate Below Average Limited 58 62
Welling United £-100k £1 £1 732 Basic Poor Limited 51 57
Woking £127k £500 1,912 Basic Poor Limited 55 58
Wrexham £200k £50k £4k 4,858 Good Below Average Limited 55 61