This page refers to an older game FM16. View Eastleigh in all games.

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Eastleigh are a team in Football Manager 2016. Eastleigh play in the Vanarama National League in England in FM 16. Eastleigh are a playable team in FM2016.

Vanarama National League
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Below Average
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Fairly Basic
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Eastleigh Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Eastleigh will be Poor

Eastleigh Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Eastleigh in Football Manager 2016?

This is a guide to managing Eastleigh in FM16. If you want to play Football Manager 2016 with an updated Eastleigh squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM16 Update which updates the Football Manager 2016 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2016 Data Update you can download.

Eastleigh Players in FM16

All Eastleigh Players in Football Manager 2016
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Dan Harding 30 D/WB L £3k £223k £102k 29-06-2017
James Constable 30 AM R, ST £2k £137k £57k 29-06-2016
Andy Drury 31 M RC £2k £74k £30k 29-06-2016
Lee Cook 32 AM L £2k £24k £10k 29-06-2016
Jack Midson 31 ST £1k £39k £15k 29-06-2016
Jai Reason 24 AM C £750 £114k £45k 29-06-2017
Paul Reid 32 D C £1k £8k £3k 29-06-2016
Ben Strevens 34 ST £800 £10k £4k 29-06-2016
Joe Partington 24 D C, DM £800 £76k £5k 29-06-2017
Jamie Turley 24 D C £1k £68k £26k 29-06-2016
Josh Payne 24 M C £950 £76k £29k 29-06-2016
Yemi Odubade 30 AM R, ST £1k £31k £2k 29-06-2016
Michael Poke 29 GK £1k £39k £2k 29-06-2016
Ross Flitney 30 GK £700 £29k £12k 29-06-2016
Matthias Fanimo 20 D/M L £780 £48k £56k 29-06-2016
Mike Green 25 D/WB L £750 £31k £2k 29-06-2017
Will Evans 23 D RC, DM £800 £38k £2k 29-06-2016
Lewis Noice 19 GK £330 £26k £29k 29-06-2016
Kaid Mohamed 30 AM L £1k £20k £1k 29-06-2016
Luke Coulson 20 D/WB/M R £1k £23k £25k 29-06-2018
Chris Todd 33 D C £500 £2k £120 30-06-2016
Tony Lee 18 ST £360 £19k £21k 29-06-2016
Josh Helm 19 GK £0 £0 £0
Jack Smith 18 D C £180 £5k £7k 29-06-2016
Jack Alexander 17 D R £160 £7k £12k 29-06-2016
Harrison Weeks 17 D/WB R £160 £4k £7k 29-06-2016

Eastleigh Loaned Out Players in FM16

Players out on loan from Eastleigh in Football Manager 2016
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Ross Lafayette 29 ST £900 £40k £3k 30-05-2016

Eastleigh Staff in FM16

Eastleigh Staff in Football Manager 2016
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Shaun North 54 Assistant Manager (First Team) £600 30-06-2016
Andy Cook 45 Physio (First Team) £400
Lee Peacock 38 Coach (U18 Team) £500
Chris Todd 33 Player/Manager (First Team) £500 30-06-2016
Derik Brooks 88 Director
John Russell 54 Director
Stewart Donald 52 Chairman
Peter Vickery 64 Director
Neil Fox 54 Director
John Dunn 37 Director
Mick Geddes 40 Director