This page refers to an older game FM17. View Russian Second Division - West in all games.

The Russian Second Division - West is a league in Football Manager 2017. Second Division - West can be found in Russia in FM 17.

This page describes Russian Second Division - West in FM17 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM17 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM17 Database Update instead.

Russian Second Division - West
Total Teams
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Avg Potential
Manage in Russian Second Division - West in Football Manager 2017

Are you looking to manage a team in Russian Second Division - West in FM17? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Russian Second Division - West and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
CRFSO Smolensk £1b £1 1,500 Poor Below Average Limited 48 56
Dinamo St. Petersburg £743m £74 650 Poor Poor Limited 57 61
Dinamo-2 Moscow £2b £74 £7m 100 Adequate Poor Limited 55 64
Domodedovo Moscow £1b £1 540 Poor Poor Limited 53 58
FC Dolgoprudny £1b £1 750 Poor Basic Limited 53 58
FC Kolomna £446m £1 690 Poor Basic Limited 47 52
FC Pskov-747 £1b £1 780 Below Average Below Average Limited 48 53
Solyaris Moscow £2b £1 500 Poor Poor Limited 52 58
Spartak Kostroma £74 780 Poor Poor Limited 48 52
Strogino Moscow £743m £1 335 Poor Below Average Limited 48 56
Textilschik Ivanovo £1b £1 3,350 Poor Basic Limited 52 56
Torpedo Vladimir £1b £74 £74 880 Basic Basic Limited 54 58
Volga Tver £-2b £1 480 Poor Poor Limited 50 56
Znamya Truda Orekhovo-Zuevo £558m 1,150 Poor Poor Limited 45 51