This page refers to an older game FM17. View Hungarian Division III - Kelet in all games.
The Hungarian Division III - Kelet is a league in Football Manager 2017. Division III - Kelet can be found in Hungary in FM 17.
This page describes Hungarian Division III - Kelet in FM17 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM17 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM17 Database Update instead.
- Name
- Hungarian Division III - Kelet
- Nation
- Hungary
- Total Teams
- 14
- Reputation
- 55
- Avg Balance
- £2b
- Avg Age
- Avg Training
- 4.63
- Avg Youth Rating
- 4.17
- Avg Academy
- 5
- Avg Rep
- 44
- Avg Attendance
- 500
- Avg Rating
- 47.83
- Avg Potential
- 50.74
Manage in Hungarian Division III - Kelet in Football Manager 2017
Are you looking to manage a team in Hungarian Division III - Kelet in FM17? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Hungarian Division III - Kelet and then share your career in our Careers Section.
Name | Balance | Budget | Wage | Avg Age | Avg Att | Training | Newgens | Yth Recruitment | Rating | Potential | |
BKV Előre Football Club | £2b | 300 | Basic | Poor | Limited | 53 | 57 | ||||
Erzsébeti SMTK | £2b | 400 | Basic | Poor | Limited | 54 | 57 | ||||
Football Club Tiszaújváros | 0 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 53 | 56 | |||||
Futball Club Hatvan | 300 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 51 | 56 | |||||
Hajdúböszörményi Torna Egylet | £2b | £357 | 500 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 38 | 40 | |||
Jászberényi Futball Club | 0 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 52 | 55 | |||||
Kazincbarcikai Sport Club | £2b | 400 | Below Average | Poor | Limited | 55 | 59 | ||||
Monori Sportegyesület | 0 | Basic | Poor | Limited | 55 | 56 | |||||
Nyírbátori Football Club | 0 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 55 | 59 | |||||
Putnok FC | £2b | 100 | Basic | Basic | Limited | 54 | 57 | ||||
Rákosmenti KSK | 0 | Basic | Poor | Limited | 54 | 57 | |||||
Rákospalotai Egyetértés Atlétikai Club | £2b | £1 | 1,500 | Basic | Poor | Limited | 53 | 56 | |||
Somoskőújfalu SE | 0 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 10 | 11 | |||||
Tállya Községi Sportegyesület | 0 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 33 | 35 |