This page refers to an older game FM18. View Kanlagna FC in all games.

Kanlagna FC are a team in Football Manager 2018. Kanlagna play in the Laotian Lower Division in Laos in FM 18.

Kanlagna FC
Laotian Lower Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Kanlagna FC Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Kanlagna FC will be Poor

Kanlagna FC Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Kanlagna FC in Football Manager 2018?

This is a guide to managing Kanlagna FC in FM18. If you want to play Football Manager 2018 with an updated Kanlagna FC squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM18 Update which updates the Football Manager 2018 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2018 Data Update you can download.

Kanlagna FC Players in FM18

All Kanlagna FC Players in Football Manager 2018
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Awunti Christophe 37 ST £0 £100 £100 31-12-2017
Sitsakhone Keosakhone 32 AM L £0 £290 £250 31-12-2018
Phongsavanth Oulavong 28 D C £0 £450 £380 31-12-2018
Khammoun Phomsouvanh 33 GK £0 £260 £220 31-12-2018
Khonesamay Vorrabout 32 M L £0 £220 £190 31-12-2018
Vilakorn Phomsouvanh 37 D C £0 £40 £40 31-12-2018
Kingsadavanh Siriphong 31 ST £0 £340 £280 31-12-2018
Thinnakone Boottavong 33 AM RC £0 £140 £110 31-12-2018
Soukxay Thongphanhthalat 34 ST £0 £50 £40 31-12-2018
Sousaphone Phthises 33 D L £0 £130 £110 31-12-2018
Khamlah Khanethavong 31 ST £0 £340 £280 31-12-2018
Bounthavee Soulinphoumee 39 DM £0 £50 £40 31-12-2018
Phengta Phounsamay 40 ST £0 £50 £40 31-12-2018
Kesorn Phetnakhorn 34 D C £0 £70 £60 31-12-2018
Phutthasone Foonthongsy 31 AM C £0 £320 £270 31-12-2018
Phouthone Souriyavongsa 29 D L £0 £420 £350 31-12-2018
Lakkhorn Chanthorngthip 42 D C £0 £40 £40 31-12-2018
Thevalith Douangmala 32 D C, DM £0 £210 £180 31-12-2018
Anousak Bootkeopaseuth 32 D R £0 £210 £170 31-12-2018
Keow-navin Soutthyvongnorad 34 M C £0 £60 £40 31-12-2018
Sa-nguansack Pattavong 41 AM L £0 £50 £40 31-12-2018
Bounthong Phomthisene 38 D C £0 £40 £40 31-12-2018
Souksakhone Chaethavivong 30 ST £0 £500 £410 31-12-2018
Lid Turh 34 AM C £0 £60 £50 31-12-2018
Phetsavanh Phansada 33 D C £0 £180 £150 31-12-2018
Viraphone Chinbounthan 34 ST £0 £80 £70 31-12-2018
Phaivan Sitthida 33 ST £0 £180 £140 31-12-2018
To Phoutthavong 30 M R £0 £430 £350 31-12-2018
Saly Bounleusay 36 D C, DM £0 £50 £40 31-12-2018
Bounporn Phanthavong 30 GK £0 £380 £300 31-12-2018
Sompadit Koulavong 32 D C £0 £210 £170 31-12-2018
Phongpaka Phonepaseuth 29 D R £0 £420 £330 31-12-2018
Tavanh Taimani 33 ST £0 £180 £140 31-12-2018
Sengphachang Manivong 31 M L £0 £380 £300 31-12-2018
Sangkome Vonglatsamee 31 ST £0 £330 £260 31-12-2018
Soukunya Phengchampa 27 M L £0 £480 £370 31-12-2018
Nigom Vonglatsamee 30 AM RC £0 £430 £340 31-12-2018
Sisaga Champamanivong 35 AM RLC, ST £0 £50 £40 31-12-2018

Kanlagna FC Staff in FM18

Kanlagna FC Staff in Football Manager 2018