This page refers to an older game FM21. View Guijuelo in all games.

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Guijuelo are a team in Football Manager 2021. Guijuelo play in the Spanish Second Division B1 in Spain in FM 21. Guijuelo are a playable team in FM2021. Guijuelo play at a stadium called "Municipal de Guijuelo" in Football Manager 21.

Spanish Second Division B1
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Guijuelo Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Guijuelo will be Adequate

Guijuelo Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Guijuelo in Football Manager 2021?

This is a guide to managing Guijuelo in FM21. If you want to play Football Manager 2021 with an updated Guijuelo squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM21 Update which updates the Football Manager 2021 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2021 Data Update you can download.

Guijuelo Players in FM21

All Guijuelo Players in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Isma Cerro 25 M/AM (RL) £4k £71k £136k 30-06-2021
Lolo Plá (Manuel Coronado) 27 AM (RLC), ST (C) £3k £37k £72k 30-06-2021
Alain Eizmendi 30 AM (RL), ST (C) £3k £42k £74k 30-06-2021
Răzvan Ochiroşii 31 D/WB/M/AM (L) £3k £26k £23k 30-06-2021
Cristóbal (Cristóbal Gil) 28 AM (C) £2k £21k £19k 30-06-2021
José Antonio Salcedo 29 GK £2k £14k £22k 30-06-2021
Abraham Pozo 30 M (C), AM (RLC) £1k £18k £27k 30-06-2021
Kamal (Kamal Abdeselam) 28 DM, M (C) £1k £17k £24k 30-06-2021
Damián Zamorano 27 M (RL), AM (L) £1k £12k £11k 30-06-2021
Antonio Pino 33 AM (R), ST (C) £1k £6k £5k 30-06-2021
Deco (Fernando Pérez Quijada) 24 DM, M (C) £1k £15k £106k 30-06-2021
Jonathan Martín (Jonathan Martín) 39 D (C) £1k £1k £0 30-06-2021
Carlos Rubén (Carlos Rubén Esteban) 37 AM (RLC) £1k £1k £0 30-06-2021
Josín (José Martínez) 22 D (C) £504 £6k £69k 30-06-2021
Dan Ojog 25 D (C) £252 £2k £0 30-06-2021
Andi Bogdan 22 DM, M (C) £319 £3k £47k
Miguel Fernández 20 M (C) £500 £17k £74k 30-06-2021
Mounir Errahaly 20 D/WB (L) £417 £25k £61k 30-06-2022
Lucas Fernández 26 D (C) £420 £4k £4k
Kike Pina 23 D/WB/M (L) £369 £3k £24k 30-06-2021
Vincentas Sarkauskas 21 GK £336 £2k £26k
Manu Molina 21 M/AM (L), ST (C) £3k £28k £70k
Raúl Parra 20 D/WB (R) £243 £2k £24k 30-06-2021

Guijuelo Loaned Out Players in FM21

Players out on loan from Guijuelo in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Sébastjan Spahiu 21 AM (RLC), ST (C) £1k £14k £172k 30-06-2021
Jordi Ferrer (Jorge Ferrer) 21 ST (C) £125 £715 £3k 30-06-2022

Guijuelo Staff in FM21

Guijuelo Staff in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
José Luis Alonso 70 Chief Doctor
Chuchi (Jesús Jorqués) 42 Manager (First Team) 30-06-2021
Xavi Álvarez 36 GK Coach (First Team) 30-06-2021
Ángel Marcos 65 Director of Football
Jorge Hernández 49 Chairman
Álvaro Benito 28 Fitness Coach (First Team) 30-06-2021