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Atlético Municipal Vinto Palmaflor are a team in Football Manager 2021. Atlético Palmaflor play in the Bolivian Premier Division in Bolivia in FM 21. Atlético Palmaflor play at a stadium called "Municipal de Quillacollo" in Football Manager 21.

Atlético Municipal Vinto Palmaflor
Bolivian Premier Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Atlético Municipal Vinto Palmaflor Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Atlético Municipal Vinto Palmaflor will be Adequate

Atlético Municipal Vinto Palmaflor Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Atlético Municipal Vinto Palmaflor in Football Manager 2021?

This is a guide to managing Atlético Municipal Vinto Palmaflor in FM21. If you want to play Football Manager 2021 with an updated Atlético Municipal Vinto Palmaflor squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM21 Update which updates the Football Manager 2021 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2021 Data Update you can download.

Atlético Municipal Vinto Palmaflor Players in FM21

All Atlético Municipal Vinto Palmaflor Players in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Vladimir Castellón 30 AM (RL), ST (C) £854 £110k £243k
Ricardo Noir 33 M (R), AM (RL) £882 £80k £300m
Pedro Azogue 26 DM, M (C) £486 £74k £162k
Edwin Rivera 30 DM, M (C) £372 £61k £135k
Gustavo Olguín 25 D (C) £447 £88k £194k
Fernando Saldías 23 ST (C) £408 £78k £78k
Iván Vidaurre 33 D/WB (L) £234 £15k £300m
Gustavo Salvatierra 28 GK £262 £73k £147k
Freddy Abastoflor 27 M/AM (R), ST (C) £323 £49k £108k
Bismark Ubah 26 ST (C) £545 £78k £78k
Robson dos Santos (Robson Leandro dos Santos) 27 D (RC) £261 £36k £40k
Marcos Andía 32 D (C), DM £254 £28k £300m
Oswaldo Blanco 30 ST (C) £322 £36k £65k
Jennry Alaca 33 D/WB/M (L) £262 £13k £300m
Thiago Santos (Thiago dos Santos Ferreira) 36 M (C), AM (LC) £284 £7k £6k
Leonardo Toco 28 D (RC) £337 £52k £94k
Widen Rojas 27 GK £174 £37k £66k
Jorge Ayala 31 D (LC) £239 £35k £32k
Darwin Lora 34 DM, M (C) £301 £15k £13k
Jhohan Gutiérrez 23 GK £141 £43k £148k
Matías Abelairas 35 M (LC) £246 £7k £7k
Jaime Santos 25 M (L), AM (LC), ST (C) £633 £86k £154k
Claudio Santis 27 GK £173 £37k £20k
Raúl Balderrama 25 D (R) £261 £34k £31k
Erick Vásquez 28 DM, M (C) £260 £46k £42k
Víctor Machaca 26 D/WB (R) £334 £42k £37k
Iván Cañete 25 D (C) £269 £30k £31k
Maximiliano Gómez 34 M (R), AM (RL) £243 £6k £6k
Fabricio Bustamante 24 ST (C) £297 £40k £23k
Brayan Chacón 27 D/WB (L) £246 £34k £19k
Diego Valencia 27 D/WB (R) £252 £34k £19k
Horacio Sánchez 23 DM, M (C) £302 £46k £32k
Richet Gómez 21 M/AM (R) £358 £38k £118k
Yeltsin Ovando 23 AM (LC), ST (C) £295 £40k £32k
Juan Pablo Foronda 24 GK £187 £30k £32k
Franz Gonzáles 20 DM, M (C) £564 £74k £105k
Rubén Solares 28 AM (C) £271 £33k £18k
Pablo Velasco 26 DM, M (C) £233 £38k £21k
Eddin Apaza 24 DM, M (C) £255 £38k £32k
Rodrigo Paniagua 23 GK £100 £25k £32k
Leonardo Durán 20 ST (C) £300 £40k £69k
Alexander Pinto 23 D (C) £200 £36k £32k
Adalid Terrazas 19 M/AM (R) £134 £26k £32k
Luis Serrano 22 M/AM (R) £241 £38k £64k
Diego Zambrana 25 DM, M (C) £242 £25k £14k
Moisés Calero 21 M (L), AM (LC) £180 £26k £64k
Deymar Céspedes 19 D (LC) £124 £24k £32k
Jhon Mena 21 M (C) £229 £38k £76k
Hernando Arauz 19 D/WB (L) £180 £35k £71k
Ronaldo Arancibia 20 ST (C) £168 £10k £30k
Edilson Vázquez 17 GK £55 £6k £20k
Harold Antelo 20 D (C) £110 £9k £32k

Atlético Municipal Vinto Palmaflor Staff in FM21

Atlético Municipal Vinto Palmaflor Staff in Football Manager 2021

Atlético Municipal Vinto Palmaflor Peaked Players in FM21

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2021