This page refers to an older game FM22. View East Timor in all games.

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East Timor Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by East Timor will be Poor

East Timor is a nation found Asia in Football Manager 2022. East Timor is also known as Sol Nascente in FM2022. People from East Timor are known as "East Timorese" in FM 2022.

This page describes East Timor in FM22 if you are looking for a FM22 Transfer Update? Check out our official sortitoutsi Football Manager Transfer Update to get an updated Football Manager 2022 database with all the latest squads, updated transfers and promotions and relegations.

Name Total Teams Avg Budget Avg Age Avg Training Avg Youth Avg Academy Avg Rep Avg Att Avg Rating Avg Potential
East Timorese Premier Division 8 £0 23.03 1 1 1 23 1813 45.38 48.53
East Timorese Second Division 12 £0 23.26 1 1 1 11 989 19.46 20.5
East Timorese Lower Division 6 £0 21.22 1 8 1100 3.82 4.12
Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Lalenok Utd £0 £0 £0 23.96 500 Poor Poor Basic 51 54
Benfica Laulara £0 £0 £0 19.2 3,000 Poor Poor Basic 50 54
Karketu Dili £0 £0 £0 25.47 2,500 Poor Poor Basic 49 51
Ponta Leste £0 £0 £0 20.86 2,500 Poor Poor Basic 47 51
Assalam £0 £0 £0 22.68 1,000 Poor Poor Basic 47 51
Aitana £0 £0 £0 24.31 1,500 Poor Poor Basic 45 48
DIT £0 £0 £0 23.43 1,500 Poor Poor Basic 44 46
Kablaki £0 £0 £0 22.36 500 Poor Poor Limited 40 43
Santa Cruz (TLS) £0 £0 £0 22.67 300 Poor Poor Limited 36 38
Zebra £0 £0 £0 24.9 1,500 Poor Poor Limited 36 37
Boavista (TLS) £0 £0 £0 24.29 2,000 Poor Poor Basic 31 33
Porto Taibesse £0 £0 £0 23.29 2,500 Poor Poor Limited 30 32
AS Académica £0 £0 £0 22.33 2,000 Poor Poor Limited 24 25
Lica-Lica Lemorai £0 £0 £0 19.6 800 Poor Poor Limited 19 20
Atlético Ultramar £0 £0 £0 26.4 500 Poor Poor Limited 18 19
Emmanuel FC £0 £0 £0 21.67 0 Poor Poor Limited 11 12
Nagardjo £0 £0 £0 21.67 300 Poor Poor Limited 11 12
YMCA FC £0 £0 £0 21 1,000 Poor Poor Limited 10 11
Cacusan CF £0 £0 £0 23.67 2,000 Poor Poor Limited 10 10
Sporting Timor £0 £0 £0 21 500 Poor Poor Limited 4 5
AS Marca FC £0 £0 £0 30 0 Poor Poor Limited 4 4
ADR União £0 £0 £0 19 300 Poor Poor Limited 3 3
Oecusse City £0 £0 £0 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Irmão Unidos £0 £0 £0 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Oecusse £0 £0 £0 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Pante Macassar £0 £0 £0 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Nacional Policia £0 £0 £0 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Manatuto £0 £0 £0 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Teouma Academy (TLS) £0 £0 £0 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Lospalos £0 £0 £0 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Fábio Magrão (Fábio Joaquim Maciel da Silva) 43 Manager (First Team)