This page refers to an older game FM23. View Canada in all games.

Canada Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Canada will be Poor

Canada is a nation found North America in Football Manager 2023. Canada is also known as The Canucks in FM2023. People from Canada are known as "Canadian" in FM 2023.

This page describes Canada in FM23 if you are looking for a FM23 Transfer Update? Check out our official sortitoutsi Football Manager Transfer Update to get an updated Football Manager 2023 database with all the latest squads, updated transfers and promotions and relegations.

Name Total Teams Avg Budget Avg Age Avg Training Avg Youth Avg Academy Avg Rep Avg Att Avg Rating Avg Potential
Canadian Premier League 8 £445k 23.06 12.86 12.86 9 86 4989 62.01 66.54
League1 Ontario 22 £0 22.45 4.32 6.32 7.68 32 375 53.3 55.9
Première Ligue de soccer du Québec 12 £0 22.3 4.27 4.27 6.73 28 48.84 51.6
League1 British Columbia 6 £0 21.51 6.67 5.17 8 36 488 53.57 56.08
Alberta Major Soccer League 8 £0 27.31 6 7.81 8.21
Pacific Coast Soccer League 6 £0 26 10 50 0.65 0.72
Canadian Soccer League 3 £0 32.4 3 3 3 1 300 45.43 46.3
Ontario Soccer League 1 £0 35.33 5 12.2 12.6
CSL Second Division 3 £0 1 75 0 0
Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Forge FC £350k £357k £10k 23.83 8,000 Great Good Excellent 63 68
Atlético Ottawa £591k £59k £9k 23.55 3,923 Great Good Good 63 66
York United FC £251k £252k £8k 24 3,000 Good Average Excellent 63 68
HFX Wanderers FC £498k £303k £8k 21.85 6,000 Adequate Below Average Average 62 68
Valour FC £643k £20k £10k 23.32 6,500 Great Average Average 62 67
Cavalry FC £538k £428k £10k 24.28 4,000 Great Good Excellent 62 66
Pacific FC £449k £62k £8k 22 3,500 Great Average Good 62 67
Serbian White Eagles £0 £0 £0 31 500 Poor Poor Limited 60 62
Vancouver FC £236k £266k £4k 21.63 0 Poor Poor Limited 59 63
FC Vorkuta £0 £0 £0 33.21 0 Poor Poor Limited 56 57
Electric City £0 £0 £0 24.8 0 Basic Average Average 56 58
Blainville £0 £0 £0 24.71 0 Below Average Adequate Excellent 56 57
Oakville Blue Devils £0 £0 £0 25.06 0 Basic Average Average 56 58
Sigma FC £0 £0 £0 21.58 0 Adequate Good Excellent 56 58
TSS FC £0 £0 £0 21.17 250 Average Adequate Excellent 55 58
Vaughan Azzurri £0 £0 £0 22.94 100 Basic Good Excellent 55 59
Master's £0 £0 £0 23.35 0 Basic Adequate Average 55 57
Rivers FC £0 £0 £0 21.32 0 Basic Basic Average 55 58
AS Laval £0 £0 £0 22 0 Basic Basic Adequate 55 57
Guelph United FC £0 £0 £0 23 0 Basic Average Average 54 56
Celtix du Haut-Richelieu £0 £0 £0 23.33 0 Basic Basic Basic 54 57
Laval £0 £0 £0 23.21 0 Basic Basic Fairly Basic 54 56
Mont-Royal Outremont £0 £0 £0 24.84 0 Below Average Adequate Good 54 57
Varsity FC £0 £0 £0 22.95 0 Adequate Adequate Good 54 56
North Toronto Nitros £0 £0 £0 20.78 0 Poor Basic Adequate 54 57
Alliance United FC £0 £0 £0 24.32 0 Basic Average Average 53 56
Altitude FC £0 £0 £0 20.69 0 Poor Basic Average 53 56
Simcoe County Rovers FC £0 £0 £0 24 0 Basic Below Average Good 53 56
Victoria Highlanders £0 £0 £0 21.41 725 Average Below Average Good 53 55
Darby FC £0 £0 £0 24.9 0 Poor Basic Fairly Basic 53 57
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
John Herdman 46 Manager (First Team)
Mauro Biello 49 Assistant Manager (First Team)
Mark Watson 51
Scott Howitt 48 Physio (First Team)
César Meylan 38 Fitness Coach (First Team)
Ryan Leaver 42 Physio (First Team)
Eric Tenllado 32 Coach (First Team)
Carlo Di Nardo 44 Physio (U19 Team)
Simon Eaddy 50 GK Coach (First Team)
Paul Fenwick 52 Physio (First Team)
Andrew Olivieri 41 Manager (U20 Team)