This page refers to an older game FM23. View Al-Fateh in all games.

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Al-Fateh are a team in Football Manager 2023. Al-Fateh play in the Saudi Professional League in Saudi Arabia in FM 23. Al-Fateh play at a stadium called "Prince Abdullah bin Jalawi Stadium" in Football Manager 23.

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Professional League
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Al-Fateh Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Al-Fateh will be Average

Al-Fateh Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Al-Fateh in Football Manager 2023?

This is a guide to managing Al-Fateh in FM23. If you want to play Football Manager 2023 with an updated Al-Fateh squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM23 Update which updates the Football Manager 2023 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2023 Data Update you can download.

Al-Fateh Players in FM23

All Al-Fateh Players in Football Manager 2023
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Cristian Tello 30 AM RL £27k £7m £660k 30-06-2024
Petros 33 DM £18k £27m 30-06-2024
Christian Cueva 30 AM RLC £17k £5m £450k 30-06-2025
Jacob Rinne 29 GK £17k £4m £378k 30-06-2024
Mourad Batna 32 AM RLC, F C £16k £25m 30-06-2025
Tristan Dingomé 31 AM RC £16k £25m
Sofiane Bendebka 29 DM £13k £1m £109k 30-06-2024
Firas Al-Buraikan 22 ST £15k £7m £558k 30-06-2025
Fran Vélez 31 D C, DM £17k £25m 30-06-2024
Mustafa Malayekah 36 GK £14k £161k £12k 30-06-2024
Marwane Saâdane 30 DM £13k £736k £57k 30-06-2025
Mohammed Al-Fuhaid 32 DM £14k £553k £43k 30-06-2023
Tawfiq Bu Humaid 34 D/WB L £12k £56k £4k 30-06-2024
Hussain Al-Mogahwi 34 AM C £12k £134k £10k 30-06-2024
Nooh Al-Mousa 31 DM £11k £324k £24k 30-06-2025
Qasim Lajami 26 D LC £9k £127k £9k 30-06-2024
Amar Al-Dohim 28 D RC £11k £413k £30k 30-06-2025
Ayman Al-Khalif 25 AM LC £11k £459k £33k 30-06-2025
Mohammed Al-Saeed 25 D/WB/AM L £9k £127k £9k 30-06-2024
Ali Al-Zubaidi 29 D/WB R £10k £258k £18k 30-06-2023
Abbas Al-Hassan 18 DM £7k £4m £7m
Salem Al-Najdi 19 D L £10k £4m £6m
Hassan Al-Mohammed 23 M C £10k £79k £45k 30-06-2026
Hassan Al-Salis 22 ST £7k £139k £111k 30-06-2026
Abdullah Al-Enezi 19 AM L, ST £9k £2m £3m
Ahmad Al-Jelidan 18 D R £7k £2m £3m
Waleed Al-Enezi 26 GK £6k £10k £630 30-06-2025
Ziyad Al-Jari 20 D C £6k £162k £203k 30-06-2026
Mortada Al-Khadrawi 22 D C, M C £4k £6k £4k 30-06-2024
Louay Al-Johani 20 AM C £5k £84k £103k 30-06-2024
Hassan Al-Mohammed 23 AM RC, ST £5k £7k £3k 30-06-2026

Al-Fateh Loaned Out Players in FM23

Players out on loan from Al-Fateh in Football Manager 2023
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Abdullah Al-Yousif 24 D L £10k £280k £92k 30-06-2024
Fahad Al-Harabi 25 D C £5k £6k £410 30-06-2024
Hassan Al-Habib 27 M C £8k £119k £9k

Al-Fateh Staff in FM23

Al-Fateh Staff in Football Manager 2023
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Miguel Ángel Baltanás 35 Head Performance Analyst £730 30-06-2023
Giorgos Donis 52 Manager (First Team) £0 30-06-2023
Panagiotis Malliaritsis 52 GK Coach (First Team) £1k 30-06-2023
Grigoris Georgitsas 54 Fitness Coach (First Team) £640 30-06-2023
Makis Angelinas 54 Assistant Manager (First Team) £2k 30-06-2023
Glenn Vercauteren 33 Head of Sports Science £4k 30-06-2022
Miodrag Medan 52 Performance Analyst (First Team) £530 30-06-2023
Saad Al-Afaliq 43 Chairman £0 23-06-2023
Abdulrahman Al-Hammad 45 Managing Director £0 23-06-2023
Maciej Gil 31 Chief Scout £510 30-06-2023

Al-Fateh Peaked Players in FM23

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2023
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Qasim Lajami 26 D LC £9k £127k £9k 30-06-2024