This page refers to an older game FM24. View Croatian Second League in all games.

The Croatian Second League is a league in Football Manager 2024. Second League can be found in Croatia in FM 24. The Croatian Second League is playable in FM2024.

This page describes Croatian Second League in FM24 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM24 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM24 Database Update instead.

Croatian Second League
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Manage in Croatian Second League in Football Manager 2024

Are you looking to manage a team in Croatian Second League in FM24? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Croatian Second League and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
BSK Bijelo Brdo £17k £4k £4k 23.74 375 Average Adequate Adequate 63 66
Cibalia £49k £21k £3k 20.47 550 Adequate Average Adequate 63 68
Croatia Zmijavci £35k £9k £2k 22.74 520 Below Average Adequate Fairly Basic 61 65
Dubrava £-4k £4k £3k 21.66 180 Below Average Adequate Adequate 63 70
Dugopolje £-303k £9k £2k 22 310 Good Average Fairly Basic 64 68
Jarun £1k £2k £4k 22.43 240 Adequate Adequate Fairly Basic 63 67
Orijent £-167k £7k £3k 23.22 500 Adequate Adequate Adequate 64 68
Sesvete £30k £9k £4k 20.69 350 Good Average Fairly Basic 63 68
Šibenik £793k £86k £8k 20.24 1,240 Adequate Average Average 65 70
Solin £-327k £9k £2k 21.1 300 Below Average Adequate Adequate 63 69
Vukovar 1991 £5k £860 £8k 23.55 440 Adequate Adequate Adequate 65 68
Zrinski Osjecko 1664 £1k £860 £5k 22.56 0 Adequate Below Average Adequate 64 68