FM24 Data Update
Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!
- Updated 16 Feb 2025
- 104,723 Changes
- 585 Contributors
- FM24.3
@Club Almagro Can u check the proof carefully before enabling it ? This guy @FMStrawzy is messing everything up with false transfer information 😢
Sorry for this mate I'm just inputting the auto transfers as they show up, @Footygamer is there a way to remove the auto transfer entry if they have a transfer after the date of the auto transfer? would that be possible as it would remove a few errors that would show up like this
@Club Almagro Can u check the proof carefully before enabling it ? This guy @FMStrawzy is messing everything up with false transfer information 😢
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![Giuseppe Pipitone](
![Giuseppe Pipitone](
![Giuseppe Pipitone](
![Igea 1946](
![Giuseppe Pipitone](
![Giuseppe Pipitone](
Yeah this is an issue with automated transfers being imported before a new submission. I'll see what I can do