Erlangga Setyo - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
you forgot and the collar, so i helped you
dikasih kerah mas, sama tuh ketombe dirambut di bersihin biar ga diomelin ^^
@Irhas Afsaro, it's getting tiring giving you feedback with no reactions. This image, like many of yours, has no collar, despite this having been pointed out to you several times already, in addition to being clearly stated in the guidelines. It also has a significant amount of snow in the hair.
Before uploading any more images, please be sure to read and follow the guidelines. If anything is unclear, just asking.
Thank you for your feedback. I apologize for any oversight in my previous images. I am a new member and still learning the guidelines. I understand the importance of following the rules, especially regarding collars and snow in the hair.
I have now read the guidelines carefully and will ensure all future images comply with them.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. 🙂
@Irhas Afsaro, it's getting tiring giving you feedback with no reactions. This image, like many of yours, has no collar, despite this having been pointed out to you several times already, in addition to being clearly stated in the guidelines. It also has a significant amount of snow in the hair.
Before uploading any more images, please be sure to read and follow the guidelines. If anything is unclear, just asking.