@Persee, when uploading packs, please make sure that you save the filenames as the person's UID, otherwise I have no way of knowing which image should be associated to which person.
Noted @mons thanks, I thought you could see that by clicking on the 3 dots near the players' cut?
Yes you can, but when you download the full pack, the images are saved with the filename they're uploaded as. This means that I have to download them individually to know who has which UID, rather than getting it done in one go 🙂
Yes you can, but when you download the full pack, the images are saved with the filename they're uploaded as. This means that I have to download them individually to know who has which UID, rather than getting it done in one go 🙂
No worries, it's quite easy and straight-forward imo 🙂
One more thing. Most of your cuts are very large in terms of filesize somehow. I'm not sure how you're managing that, but I suggest you save them for web and devices using the below options. As you can see, from 244KB, it's downscaled to just under 69kb 😉
No worries, it's quite easy and straight-forward imo 🙂
One more thing. Most of your cuts are very large in terms of filesize somehow. I'm not sure how you're managing that, but I suggest you save them for web and devices using the below options. As you can see, from 244KB, it's downscaled to just under 69kb 😉
Thanks for the tips @mons I'll look out for this for the next ones!
@Persee, when uploading packs, please make sure that you save the filenames as the person's UID, otherwise I have no way of knowing which image should be associated to which person.