Christian Henna - Submissions - Cut Out Player Faces Megapack



17 years ago
3 hours ago
getting malware warnings on downloading this file, and my software removes it... strange
17 years ago
5 minutes ago
@cksrl1000 , can I have a look at the sources for these pls? There's not much wrong with the cutting, but they all look washed out and made of wax, if that makes sense. Try and avoid adding effects to your sources unless absolutely necessary
10 years ago
1 week ago
@cksrl1000 , can I have a look at the sources for these pls? There's not much wrong with the cutting, but they all look washed out and made of wax, if that makes sense. Try and avoid adding effects to your sources unless absolutely necessary

Sorry... I don't understand ... What sources ???

I did't have any effect this pack
17 years ago
5 minutes ago
Sorry... I don't understand ... What sources ???

I did't have any effect this pack

I mean, where did you get the images that you cut from?

Because maybe the sources were not the best and resulted in this kind of cut:

As you can see, it's a bit washed out, like it's a painting rather than a photo. I haven't seen the present MP cut for that guy, but I don't think cuts like that are an improvement, if you know what I mean
10 years ago
1 week ago
17 years ago
5 minutes ago

I only checked the Schalke page and its sources, but the images are a bit too small to be generally considered as improvements. If I were you, I'd be a bit more careful on how to choose sources when cutting, as no matter how well they'll be cut, sources as small as that simply won't be improvements, especially when most big teams' players are usually cut from recent HQ sources.

When I get round to comparing them to the current MP cuts, it's extremely unlikely I'll consider them as improvements and they probably won't end up going into the next update pack - just trying to save you some time and effort for future cuts/packs
16 years ago
1 hour ago
@cebul could you please check this request?
16 years ago
2 months ago