Augusto Batalla - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

Thanks a lot @Mr_Orry

@Cristóbal Salazar Franchini, the source you chose was pre-cut and had no hair details at all. Better sources are available, including this one, with a simple Google Image search.
We're not just looking for cuts, but for quality cuts as much as possible. The better the source, the better the final cut will be, so please do take the time to search for the best possible source rather than just cutting the first one you find.
@Cristóbal Salazar Franchini, the source you chose was pre-cut and had no hair details at all. Better sources are available, including this one, with a simple Google Image search.
We're not just looking for cuts, but for quality cuts as much as possible. The better the source, the better the final cut will be, so please do take the time to search for the best possible source rather than just cutting the first one you find.
Voy a escribir en español esta vez porque no tengo ganas de traducirlo jaja, pero el problema es que estaba intentando sacar las imágenes oficiales de los clubes y pues las del equipo de Batalla (O'Higgins) son de muy baja calidad, por lo que decantaré de buscar mejores fuentes con ello. Esta imagen la subí para saber que opinabas de la calidad y todo, saludos Mons