Ibrahim El Morabit - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack



18 years ago
4 hours ago
@michaelpinda, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but please try to avoid cuts like this, which are really low in quality and not even looking anywhere near the camera. Hardly worth cutting, let alone adding to the megapack...
17 years ago
5 days ago

I also understand that this is not beautiful. But there really is no other photo of the person on the internet. Something better than nothing so I guess.
18 years ago
4 hours ago

I also understand that this is not beautiful. But there really is no other photo of the person on the internet. Something better than nothing so I guess.

I know what you mean, and I would generally agree with you. But this is really so poor a source image that I would almost say it's better not to have a cut than to have this one...