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#778671 Change Nation's Name
Seems that it should be "NATION_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" Nation UID "Nation name" ""
However, the name still has not changed 😢
#778668 Change Nation's Name
Hi everyone, I have been surfing around trying to find ways of changing a nation's name but to no avail.
I kinda forgot how it came to be, but the Netherlands' long name in my FM save (original database) is “The Netherlands” instead of “Netherlands.” It is quite bothersome in all seriousness. When I attend matches—and other managers happen to present—the text will show “The The Netherlands and <other team> manager are watching from the stands” or something like that. I'm already deep in the game (now in 2032) and feels attached with the save, so I'm keen to find a solution.
I wonder if it is possible to change it in an existing save? I have tried editing the .lnc file by writing:
"CLUB_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 784 "Netherlands" ""
"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 784 "Netherlands" ""
but nothing changes. However, when I tried adding Ajax's name in the same lnc file, it worked :/. Any help will be much appreciated! Thank you 😀
#624114 Premium Not Working
Hello. I paid for a premium membership around 2 hours ago. My credit card has been charged, but it's not showing any signs that my account has been activated. I have taken look at https://sortitoutsi.net/content/unread/56283 but the article is no longer extant. I have also looked at https://sortitoutsi.net/content/57415/all-issues-with-premium-membership-post-here as well as this thread and it seems that many have encountered the same problem. Does that mean I have to wait for several more hours? If needed, I can provide the payment receipt Paypal sent me. Thanks for the great work and cheers! @Footygamer