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#807375 💃🏼 WOMEN in FM24 - Men of Culture (+ facepack) 💃🏼
sure whats the problem? 🙂
you can also download via steam link its easier.
#804292 💃🏼 WOMEN in FM24 - Men of Culture (+ facepack) 💃🏼
oh 😅
#804135 💃🏼 WOMEN in FM24 - Men of Culture (+ facepack) 💃🏼
i mean, sure i guess?! tbh i just randomly picked some of the top 30 most followed list. If you have some women in particular you can dm me a list of their names.
#803503 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
thanks for the heads up!
#802128 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
i did removed it but for some reason its still happened. Trying to figure out why but maybe its hard coded. I'll see what i can do for the next update.
#799574 player draft system
did anyone managed to implement a working player draft system from scratch (like the one in the MLS)?
the option to do it is definitely there (advanced rules>nation>transfer>Drafts) but the event doesnt seem to occur when playing the save.
i know i could just edit the existing mls rules and get to drafts that way but i want to create drafts from scratch to also use it for other leagues
#799381 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
np. thanks for playing!
#799290 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
As yall can see, the file made a pretty significant jump in size. This is because i merged all IRL Transfers and Contract changes with the MLS file. We reached over 450k database changes now 🥳.
I also added a setup video in which you can see how i set up the leagues. Of course you can set it up how ever you want but for me this is the best way to play the save without having to much load on the file and yet still have the best players and leagues.
#799062 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
i know i know maybe i phrased it wrong im glad you noticed it and i also already implemented it now in my current file even tough USL 2 wasnt even in the fm24 database so i had to create the whole league new. Its still not completle done for upload tho 🙂 the thing with the missing players is fixable but tbh would take way to much time so i just force the lower tier clubs now to buy a lot of free agents from the get go.
If you want we can also work on that database together. specially for stuff like adding players and such i could really use help
#798972 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
i will definetly implement USL 2 and the rest seems pretty much up to date or at least feels like a natural progression. But i will not implement regions or west/east stuff since getting rid of it is what got this whole project even started xD. And its also a pain in the ass to modify that in the editor lmao.
If you got more information about the leagues, players, clubs just hit me up, its always welcome 🙂
Atm i'm working on a revamped version of the World Champions League / Fifa Club World Cup which is taking way more time than anticipated so lets see how long its gonna take me to start with the USA changes. Planning on dropping the next update on sunday.
#798954 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
ok i'll added it to my list 🙂 its hard for me to find a proper source with all us divisions ranked even wikipedia just has 3 tiers
#798931 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
hey, appreciate the help, thanks!
here’s some clarification on the issues you encountered:
“23/24 season is skipped at start of save and all players have stats simmed for 24/25 season.”
“RGV Toros (in wrong league) and San Diego Loyal both have 0 players (a lot of other clubs have this issue too, mostly in the lower divisions. other databases maybe have the rosters you can borrow from) USL League 2 is skipped.”
“I picked FC Tucson to start the save and noticed I had $37m USD transfer budget and $68m USD wage budget, as well as I was missing over ⅔ of the team's roster.”
Thanks for trying it out! you’re always welcome to reach out about any problems or bugs. Remember, the main purpose of this database is to improve American soccer’s standing worldwide, so i focused more on boosting stats, finances, and teams from the top 3 divisions instead of paying attention to strict realism. of course, a touch of realism is important, but the goal is to help the MLS compete with European leagues in a few years - its a fantasy league after all 🙂
#798902 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
hmm strange.. didnt happen to me yet. Ill keep an eye open for that, thanks!
#798899 HELP in creating a new world champions league (pre-game editor)
hi! As some of you may have seen i created an 8-tier usa database (https://sortitoutsi.net/content/67068/usa-league-system-8-tiers-with-promotion-and-relegation) and also uploaded a "world champions league" file. Now, i'm working on my own version of including the new champions league format (qulification + league phase + knockout rounds).
i've set up the “qualification” (which is pretty much the normal champions leagues in all 6 continents) and the main tournament (world champions league) using advanced rules, but i’m running into some date errors that i can't fix. my knowledge of the pre-editor might not be enough to solve them, so i’m looking for contributors and helpers! 🙂
if youre interested just leave a comment or message me and ill send you the file
#798846 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
should by fixed in the latest version 🙂 at least for me its showing homegrown club and homegrown nation players
#798227 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
hmm interesting this shouldnt happen. ill fix it for next the update thanks for the feedback.
when it comes to the teams missing, since i dont follow us soccer really i just went by the ingame reputation of a club and figured with over 200 teams in 8 leagues there should be something for everyone. I also got rid of 2nd teams
#798226 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
#798121 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
The file in this post should definitely have the 99-player rule set. Maybe i got some files mixed up over on steam, thanks for the reminder.
And yes - the steam version one is only the 8 Leagues file. Here in this post you can find all 3 files (Leagues, Pre-Season Cup, World Champions League)
#798089 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
Glad you're having fun! With the 99-player registration limit, I didn’t think U18/U19 exemptions were necessary (at least for the league), but appreciate the feedback!
Tried different registration rules, but it forced teams to get 1-2 stars and fill the rest with weaker players. The 99-player rule worked best for pushing clubs to be more aggressive in the transfer market.
#797553 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
they can all be used independently. Tho i would still recommend to use all 3 for the best experience since without one of the Cups the season feels pretty "empty".
#797438 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
Sure, as long as you dont run 2 USA mods at the same time everything should be fine.
#797124 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
I've upload 2 pictures. If you want to see all the leagues and how they perform over the years i also uploaded an “8 years later” save file to check out.
#797123 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
I'm not entirely sure what you mean sorry, but in this mod, i've adjusted the facilities and financial standards for USL Championship and USL League One clubs, so they won't struggle if promoted to MLS. For other aspects like fan support, morale, and club culture, I’ve kept the default settings from SI, as they usually get those right.
#797037 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
sure, of what exactly?
#796827 ★ Season 24/25 ★ THE AMERICAN DREAM v1.4 ★ USA League System (Promotion, Relegation, Playoffs, World Champions League)
no limit, i took the German League approach. No player limit, no non-eu limit. Only limit is you can have 3 Loan Players at most. Sure test it out i need feedback on what to improve 🙂
#796688 Help with testing rules on FM Editor
Hi, im trying to do a relegation/promotion system with the US leagues. I got everything set up but when i try to convert to adcanced rules or testing the rules it it gives me an Error as you can see on the picture. Even tough i got the right amount of teams in the league it says "found 96" for some reason.
#686707 Kingrobbo FM22 Custom Start Date File
if i change the start date in the editor (and testify rules) it just shows me 2021 in the game. literally only thing i changed was the Startdate 2022 to 2025 for example.
#665398 ★ SUPER HEROES in Football Manager 22 - Hero Players v1.1
Planning on doing a complete revamp of this file. I will also delete the current one so get your download until its too late!
Season 1 is coming!
#664670 ★ SUPER HEROES in Football Manager 22 - Hero Players v1.1
tbh im not even a fan lmao. i just thought its a nice little project cause there are certainly a lot of people out there liking this 🙂
and dont worry i couldnt care less what random haters have to say about this haha this is the internet - hating is easier than appreciating.
thx @Footygamer 🙂
#664563 ★ SUPER HEROES in Football Manager 22 - Hero Players v1.1
New version uploaded