MarcLister - Comments

#468753 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
17 years ago
10 hours ago
If the user data folder isn't the default one (i.e. Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2019), then you need to change the preferences from Steam. If you've done this already, you may need to refresh your skin cache from the preferences and reload your skin.
Hi mons. Yep, already done the launch options in Steam. "--user_data_location="S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2019\"

I've reloaded the skin several times.
#468750 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
17 years ago
10 hours ago
Got a weird issue that I can't fix. I have download the Levels 1-6, Levels 7-8 and Level 9 pack and put them into my Steam folder on S: drive. 11 of the Premier League teams are displaying their original FM kits and not the downloaded ones. The other 9 PL teams kits' show perfectly well.

Seeing as some of the teams kits' show I don't get why the others aren't. The files are in the right place as otherwise the 9 teams with the updated shirts wouldn't have their kits showing.

Any idea what I've done wrong? I'm wondering if having the files on my Steam drive which is a different HD to my C: drive is part of the problem?
#402695 Football Manager 2018 Wonderkids
17 years ago
10 hours ago
Great list. Any chance of it being made available in an Excel spreadsheet format to do multiple sorting of columns?
#323798 FM 2016 Ad Board Patch - Released on 10/12/2015
17 years ago
10 hours ago
I thought I'd answer this part of your question now whilst I have a minute to spare
The XML should always be placed in the new user data folder (in the same way that you'd put facepacks and logo's in the user folder)
I'll take a look at where you folders are placed, when I'm back on my home PC
Thanks very much.

Edit: 12:15 - I've just started FM up and played a league game. I just noticed that the ads had changed! I haven't changed anything since last night when I finished FM so I've no idea why its suddenly worked!
#323775 FM 2016 Ad Board Patch - Released on 10/12/2015
17 years ago
10 hours ago
I've downloaded this but I'm having trouble getting the new ads to appear in game. I've changed my game's user data folder location to my S: drive. Accordingly I have placed the ads folder containing the graphics in S:\Football Manager 2016\graphics\pictures\ads. The XML file that I've chosen is the clubs one and it is in S:\Football Manager\ads\fm.xml.

I've unticked the option in the game preferences for clicking on the ads to act as hyperlinks and have reloaded the skins. I see the original SI made ads on all games for Manchester United so PL, CL and Capital One Cup. Am I doing something wrong? Should the XML be in the My Documents location regardless of my having changed the user data folder location to S:?

The link below shows the ads that I'm getting.
#16704 england kits not working?
17 years ago
10 hours ago
Think you need to look at step 2,

I am getting the same problem as you. I might PM the makers of the kits and ask them.

hirsty007 - I've just tried downloading the file linked to in step 2 and it works. (

You will need to start a new game to get it to work as it appears to be editor data that the game loads when creating a new game.
#16494 Steklo X3 v1.2
17 years ago
10 hours ago
By TomDixon77 | Permalink | On 02 November 2012 - 23:21 PM
Yep, it is. You've put the skin into a sub folder of the skins folder. It needs to go direckerly into the skins folder. I.e. skins/steklo_x3 not skins/steklo_x3/steklo_x3

Hi Tom,

That worked. FM can now see Steklo. Unfortunately when I selected the skin, I got an error message about a font not being found. All I get now is a black screen where I should see the FM menu. I've deleted the Steklo folder but FM still shows a black screen. I've re-verified the game files and that's not helped. I think the skin is now in the cache so unless I can delete the cache I think I might have to uninstall FM from Steam and re-download it. Do you know if I can delete the FM cache?

//EDIT// Sorted now. I found the cache and re-copied the skin folder from the original 7z file. Looks like I'd manage to put a copy of the steklo skin within the steklo skin, must have confused FM somewhat. :p
#16459 Steklo X3 v1.2
17 years ago
10 hours ago
Hi Tom,

I'm having similar problems. I'm on Windows 7 and I cannot for the life of me get FM13 to accept that Steklo is available. I unpacked your 7z file using 7-Zip (kudos btw for using 7Zip!) and move the resulting folder to "C:\Users\Marc\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013\skins\steklo_x3". Steklo_x3 is the root folder and within it is another folder called "steklo_x3" and a config.xml file. FM13 is set to not use a cache and to reload the skin each time I press confirm on the button. I've quit and re-started FM13; still it will not show the Steklo skin.

What am I doing wrong? It must be something amazingly simple because I've played FM since FM05 and I'm pretty handy with computers.

