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#468753 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
I've reloaded the skin several times.
#468750 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Seeing as some of the teams kits' show I don't get why the others aren't. The files are in the right place as otherwise the 9 teams with the updated shirts wouldn't have their kits showing.
Any idea what I've done wrong? I'm wondering if having the files on my Steam drive which is a different HD to my C: drive is part of the problem?
#402695 Football Manager 2018 Wonderkids
#323798 FM 2016 Ad Board Patch - Released on 10/12/2015
Edit: 12:15 - I've just started FM up and played a league game. I just noticed that the ads had changed! I haven't changed anything since last night when I finished FM so I've no idea why its suddenly worked!
#323775 FM 2016 Ad Board Patch - Released on 10/12/2015
I've unticked the option in the game preferences for clicking on the ads to act as hyperlinks and have reloaded the skins. I see the original SI made ads on all games for Manchester United so PL, CL and Capital One Cup. Am I doing something wrong? Should the XML be in the My Documents location regardless of my having changed the user data folder location to S:?
The link below shows the ads that I'm getting.
#16704 england kits not working?
I am getting the same problem as you. I might PM the makers of the kits and ask them.
hirsty007 - I've just tried downloading the file linked to in step 2 and it works. (http://sortitoutsi.net/downloads/view/816/kits-colours-change-relink-071012)
You will need to start a new game to get it to work as it appears to be editor data that the game loads when creating a new game.
#16494 Steklo X3 v1.2
Hi Tom,
That worked. FM can now see Steklo. Unfortunately when I selected the skin, I got an error message about a font not being found. All I get now is a black screen where I should see the FM menu. I've deleted the Steklo folder but FM still shows a black screen. I've re-verified the game files and that's not helped. I think the skin is now in the cache so unless I can delete the cache I think I might have to uninstall FM from Steam and re-download it. Do you know if I can delete the FM cache?
//EDIT// Sorted now. I found the cache and re-copied the skin folder from the original 7z file. Looks like I'd manage to put a copy of the steklo skin within the steklo skin, must have confused FM somewhat. :p
#16459 Steklo X3 v1.2
I'm having similar problems. I'm on Windows 7 and I cannot for the life of me get FM13 to accept that Steklo is available. I unpacked your 7z file using 7-Zip (kudos btw for using 7Zip!) and move the resulting folder to "C:\Users\Marc\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013\skins\steklo_x3". Steklo_x3 is the root folder and within it is another folder called "steklo_x3" and a config.xml file. FM13 is set to not use a cache and to reload the skin each time I press confirm on the button. I've quit and re-started FM13; still it will not show the Steklo skin.
What am I doing wrong? It must be something amazingly simple because I've played FM since FM05 and I'm pretty handy with computers.