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#747943 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Sorry for not replying for two months. I gave up on hoping you would reply. Hey, man, I respect your time, that's why I asked that I do adjustments and provide the community with the fix. Let's be honest, your skin is great on 4K, but it's broken on 1080p. On 100% zoom, it looks even worse. Pardon my harsh words. I see what you are doing and how you want it to look. At 1080p it doesn't, though you say in description that it is compatible with 1080p it just isn't. Again, sorry for the harsh words, I don't want to crap on your work because it is arguably the skin I like the most, and I absolutely love how it looks at 4K. But at the same time, I really do want to unload on your attitude toward the 1080p compatibility and towards an offer to help you by making the adjustments needed for it to look at 1080p the way it does at 4K.
I can imagine how much time it took you to make this look and function the way it does. So let me put it this way, you did 95% of the work excellently. It's a gorgeous thing. There are hundreds of details that are just *cheff's kiss * . But those remaining 5% (adapting for 1080p) just are not on the same level. Sorry again for the harsh words, but it gives the impression that you like your own work just 95%.
That wasn't a question man. But an observation that people will think they have downloaded a broken skin when they see there is none of those logos. You should either mention in the main post that screenshots are made with them, or make new screenshots with default logos. Your screenshots don't match what is in the skin because they contain what is not in them. That's a big no-no. Friendly advice, think about the users as if they are all smart as much as the dumbest person you have ever had {the pleasure} to meet.
Player Panel 1, Player Panel 2, and so on. You can change the player card on Player Panel 1, the thing where their portrait is. But on all other Player Panels that thing is preset, it doesn't matter which one is selected on Player Panel 1, it's always the same one. Player Panel 2 is always “Player Flut Card and Stadium”, Player Panel 3 is always “Player Flut Card", Player Panel 4 is always “Player Without Background”, Player Panel 5 is always “Player Flut Stadium”, Player Panel 6 is always “Player Flut Team Colours”.
It doesn't make sense to be able to change it on Player Panel 1, and it doesn't get changed automatically on other panels.
You're welcome!!! I hope that someone has found it useful.
#739015 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
First I want to say that I love your skin, it's just beautiful. But, it's obviously only properly looking at 4K, and because I like to play it at 1080@85% zoom I need your help to adjust things that are not working with my settings. I've already sorted the player numbers on various panels, as you can see on the screenshots. So here are screenshots, please use the numbers I did to reference the appropriate XML files:
I forgot to mark here player's face location because it's dropping a couple of pixels over the name box.
Also, if it's not a problem you mention in the original post somewhere that you personally use the Metalic country flags and competition trophies because they are shown on the screenshots but are not included. And one suggestion, to have the player card consistent on all panels. It makes no sense to be able to choose if it is not persistent across them all.
I'm also attaching my fix for player kits' numbers and names on player profiles. It's good for Windowed mode at 1080p resolution with 85% zoom. If someone wants to use it, just unpack it in the skin folder and allow overwriting of the files when prompted.
Thanks in advance, and please continue with the great work you are doing on this skin.
#232987 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
#232438 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
#232407 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
Reupload pics, plz.
Edit: The second batch.
#230911 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
#230832 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread