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#764104 Guifré Bernabeu
Pablo Garrido Suárez
Sorry, I know, but I can't find a way to do it.
#713797 FC’12 Template Area [v9.0]
Pablo Garrido Suárez
I'm not very expert on this subject, I handle it at a very basic level. Could someone help me with this template to create my team's kits? Thank you!
#713531 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
Pablo Garrido Suárez
Would you be so kind as to create these two shields of Spain? Thank you!
#663101 Alberto Flores
Pablo Garrido Suárez
Sorry, the first image I uploaded was by mistake
#649495 Richmond Owusu
Pablo Garrido Suárez
I imagined that could happen, but my knowledge of graphics is not enough for much more.
I leave the source of the original image:
#644823 Jonas Jensen-Abbew
Pablo Garrido Suárez
Sorry, I made the wrong link when making the request. I really wanted to upload the larger image, sorry.
#642142 Álex Balboa
Pablo Garrido Suárez
I have uploaded two images, in case you decide the best one
#642128 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Pablo Garrido Suárez
Would someone give me a hand please?
#640375 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Pablo Garrido Suárez
Hi! Could someone make the three official kits of the CF Damm of Catalonia, Spain? Thank you!
#610918 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Pablo Garrido Suárez
#608882 Matheus Nascimento
Pablo Garrido Suárez
#581163 Noah Mrosek
Pablo Garrido Suárez
Right, now that you mention it I realize the errors. We keep practicing and improving
#581132 SS' kits Template Thread
Pablo Garrido Suárez
#579369 Emrehan Gedikli
Pablo Garrido Suárez
#578811 Christopher Nkunku
Pablo Garrido Suárez
Here I leave you, if you need, a good image of the new haircut.
#578801 Carlos Álvarez
Pablo Garrido Suárez
Yes, I'm sorry. My English is bad and I'm a bit confused, so I didn't see that this face was already done.
#578631 Sidi Sané
Pablo Garrido Suárez
#577653 SS' kits Template Thread
Pablo Garrido Suárez
#576562 SS' kits Template Thread
Pablo Garrido Suárez
#573983 SS' kits Template Thread
Pablo Garrido Suárez
#572284 SS' kits Template Thread
Pablo Garrido Suárez